The Limited Times

Euthanasia: Welby and Cappato acquitted for death Trentini

7/27/2020, 5:40:25 PM

Mina Welby and Marco Cappato were acquitted by the assize court of Massa for the death of Davide Trentini, the 53-year-old Sla patient who died on 13 July 2017 with assisted suicide. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MASSA (MASSA CARRARA), JUL 27 - Mina Welby and MarcoCappato were acquitted by the assize court of Massa for the death of Davide Trentini, the 53-year-old Sla patient who died on 13 July 2017 with assisted suicide. Co-president and treasures of the Coscioni association helped Trentini reach the Switzerland clinic where he later died. The prosecutor had asked for 3 years and 4 months explaining: "I ask for the sentence but with all the general attenuating and at the minimum of the law. The crime of aid to suicide exists, but I believe their noble intentions. An act was committed in the interest of Davide Trentini, to whom the assumptions that make it lawful are lacking. Guilty ones, so deserving of some extenuating factors, which in conscience I do not feel denied. " (HANDLE).