The Limited Times

Gravina, Covid protocol inapplicable in 2020-'21

7/27/2020, 2:10:37 PM

Figc President: 'Tampons every 4 days is violence on players' (ANSA) "I am very, very worried about the next season. The teams will have to start the rallies very soon and we are very late in knowing the new procedures to follow. We do not know this state of emergency for how long it will be extended."     Speaking on 'The Politics in the Ball' on Gr Parlamento, the president of the FIGC Gabriele Gravina gives an alarm cry about the health protocol applied to foot...

 "I am very, very worried about the next season. The teams will have to start the rallies very soon and we are very late in knowing the new procedures to follow. We do not know this state of emergency for how long it will be extended."
    Speaking on 'The Politics in the Ball' on Gr Parlamento, the president of the FIGC Gabriele Gravina gives an alarm cry about the health protocol applied to football. "It is inapplicable from now on. This protocol had to take into account the evolution of the epidemic in our country - explains Gravina - and we must continue to take it into account, but we must also be realistic: we have applied it in an emergency for a very short period of time, but imagining to continue applying it until the end of the next sporting season, with tampons every 4 days, is impossible. It would be physical violence towards the players. Other solutions must be found ".