The Limited Times

Prince Character: The Quarrelsome Baby of Us All | Israel today

7/27/2020, 4:16:55 PM

554 items about a baby who was not two years old, formulated for Eran Suissa the answer to a question asked countless times • Opinion | native

554 items about a baby who was not two years old, formulated for Eran Suissa the answer to a question asked countless times • There is room for conscience, even in the gossip sections • Opinion

  • Ortal Amar and Ben-El Tavori in court



Anyone who follows me on Instagram (eranswis) knows that almost every Saturday I answer the followers' questions there; And every Saturday, among the thousands of questions, there is one that always repeats itself: What are your red lines and what will you not publish? I never manage to summarize the answer, admit that I am also afraid I will not stand for it, but here is one excellent case that justifies even an entire column.

On November 19, 2018, Ortal Amar and Ben-El Tavori became the parents of Tu Prince. The parents, as is well known, parted ways, and the boy, who was not yet two years old, and apparently had not yet really begun to speak, inevitably became a regular item in the gossip columns. Step by step, and not in the practical sense.

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A quick Google search for the name "Prince Character" brings up the following headlines: "Ben-El and Ortal: The Battle for Home and the Baby", "Ortal Amar in Execution", "Ben-El and Ortal's Alimony Storm", "Ben-El's Lawyers Demanding an apology from Ortal "," Ben-El Tavori and Ortal Amar appear in court "," The relationship between Ortal and Ben-El is heating up again "," Ortal Amar on the difficulties after the birth ", and this is just one page.

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Since the collaboration was born, 554 items have been published, according to data from the Yifat Media Monitoring Company, which is more or less an item for each day the toddler lives; 71 items on the collaboration were published in February this year, when his parents met in court; One item is the same cover story in "Seven Nights," in which TF became a golden baby and is told at length about everything his father does not do for him, ostensibly.

13 more items were published in the last 24 hours, so TF first met Grandpa Shimi Tavori, a year and nine months after he was born. The innocent and exciting encounter with the guitar became in a few minutes an item on all entertainment sites, "And" the pipe. "

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Then came Ben-El's counter-reaction. Ortal did not remain obligated ... and so on. This is how their cute baby became the quarrelsome baby of us all.

Unfortunately, conflicts between Ortal-style parents and Ben-El are common in society, but their conduct around him in the media has shown me that my vomiting reflex is much stronger than I thought. I have published low items in my life, and promise to post more, but dealing with it is one of the lowest, and whoever feeds it, has a part in it.

And as if all the media noise around the baby is not delusional enough, the really big absurdity is that his parents are not exposing his face. Makes sense, because to tell a newspaper that his father has not seen him for four months, it's okay, but to show his face? God forbid. And when I write that they do not reveal him, I do not mean that time that Ben-El revealed a picture of him, in response to another photograph that Ortal uploaded. What should be a happy act you will find in Google under the heading: "Huge Conflict: The Drama Behind the Picture of a Prince Character" (27 items in total).

I have never taken an active part in the Ortal-Ben-El-To-Prince Festival. When the editor asked me to write, I transferred the assignment to another reporter (editor's note: this is true, not once or twice, R.I.). If I did write something on the subject at some point, I'm sorry. This column will also disappear long before he learns to read. Characters have been written so far on a character.Today it's an item and tomorrow those are very many hours on the psychologist's couch.

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So to answer all the thousands interested, this is my red line, between the gossip section and the toddler's future health. This line can be called from the north.