The Limited Times

Serie A: Parma Atalanta, Gasperini is aiming for second place

7/27/2020, 10:07:19 PM

'The best way to get to PSG is to finish the championship well' (ANSA)The Champions League qualification is now in your pocket and, with two games at the end of the championship, the head goes to the quarterfinals with Paris Saint-Germain. But after a record season, Atalanta wants to be "master of its final goal". This is why Gian Piero Gasperini asks his players for two wins, against Parma and Inter. "Even if the main objective was to qualify for the Champions Leag...

The Champions League qualification is now in your pocket and, with two games at the end of the championship, the head goes to the quarterfinals with Paris Saint-Germain. But after a record season, Atalanta wants to be "master of its final goal". This is why Gian Piero Gasperini asks his players for two wins, against Parma and Inter. "Even if the main objective was to qualify for the Champions League, if we both beat we are second - points out the technician from Bergamo -. The best way to get to the quarter-final clash with Paris Saint-Germain is to stay focused and attentive". At Tardini there is another record to conquer, the eleventh away victory. "Parma is a valuable team that has made an excellent championship and has been in the running for Europe: this moment is a ups and downs which also depends on the physical recovery and the return of some players. Our condition will grow in the coming weeks" , is the analysis of Gasperini, who returns to the bickering of last Tuesday with Sinisa Mihajlovic and the consequent expulsion: "I missed the field against Milan, I would have fault on the modalities of the disqualification: it was not an episode judged in the way fair". Apart from Sutalo, owner instead of the disqualified Toloi, the only variation with respect to San Siro could be Chestnuts left for Gosens, with Pasalic hovering between the median and the trocar, in ballot with Freuler or De Roon, or Malinovskyi next to Gomez. In front, Zapata with the alternative Muriel. "The frequency of the commitments has been very heavy from a mental and physical point of view, luckily we have only lost Ilicic lately - concludes Gasperini about the strange football season -. A broken season: until February exciting, then the virus that has insight into everyone's life and the restart without an audience. A third of the championship in the heat and with the controls, to which everyone has adapted with availability: unpublished, but with real matches. We hope that in September we will start again in normal conditions ".