The Limited Times

The emergency does not exist, an anticovid conference in the Senate

7/27/2020, 2:34:24 PM

Salvini, I declare myself, I give my hand. Bocelli, ban on leaving home humiliated and offended me, I violated it. Sgarbi, virus is gone. Government listen to us (ANSA)

 "We are here today, politicians and scientists, to make a point, try to put down as much information about Covid 19 as possible, devoid of ideologies and prejudices. There was a time when freedom was contrasted with health, but it deals with two fundamental rights ". So Armando Siri, (League) among the organizers of the debate "Covid-19 in Italy, between information science and rights", in the presence among others of the leader of the League Matteo Salvini, Vittorio Sgarbi and the tenor Andrea Bocelli. "In these months - adds Siri - there has been a bit of exaggeration in the narrative about the virus: everyone has his experience, then there have been painful realities, I think about what happened in the Bergamo area, but this could not justify anxiety and anguish Now we should avoid that in this so-called eventual phase 4, there is still alarmism. Now we have to stand by the facts. Only the narrative on an alleged second wave has a serious impact on the GDP ".

"Freedom of thought is the first asset at risk: there is a front of those who have a different idea than the mainstream. I refused to say goodbye. If one reaches out my hand, I declare myself, I give him the hand.
    So much a more process, a less process ... ". This was stated by the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini at a conference on Coronavirus.

"I accepted this invitation but I'm far from politics. During the lockdown I also tried to identify myself with those who had to make difficult decisions. But then things didn't go well. As time passed, I never knew anyone who had gone in intensive care, so why this gravity? Then I felt humiliated and offended by the ban on leaving home. I admit that I violated the ban. " This was stated by Andrea Bocelli at the Coronavirus conference organized by Armando Siri and Vittorio Sgarbi. "So I make an appeal to say that we must reopen the schools and take back the books. I called Renzi, Salvini, Berlusconi to make a common sense cross front. I hope - concludes the famous tenor - that we will all get out of this terrible situation together" . 

"This meeting has a very serious goal: to ensure that many people present here are heard by the government, there is a parliamentary hearing. We must give voice to Zangrillo and the many who said things that have not been heard. There are several truth, not just one. There is that of those who say, Covid is no longer in our hospitals. " So Vittorio Sgarbi, speaking at the conference "Covid-19 in Italy, between information science and rights". "There is an official report from the German government that defines Covid 19 as a false global alarm. For two months - added Sgarbi - there has not been a single Coronavirus death. Even saying that Brazil is in an emergency is not true. a manifesto of truth ".