The Limited Times

Coronavirus, quarantine and crack: the record gap of cases moves away the plans of Capital and Province

7/28/2020, 11:07:20 PM

In recent days there has been a loss of the Buenos Aires curve, while the speed of infection in the GBA remains high. Kicillof and Rodríguez Larreta discuss whether they can take different paths of isolation.

Pablo Sigal

07/28/2020 - 19:57

  • Clarí
  • Society

Since the new light quarantine began on Monday, July 20, the waters between the City and the Province have been divided. A progressive agenda of commercial openings in the district led by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, and a half-open window with  the warning to quickly close it again in the territory governed by Axel Kicillof.

The high-sounding official statements of the last hours gave the impression that a new attempt at social confinement could start from next Monday at the GBA: the beginning of a deeper scar between what can and cannot be done  on one side and another from General Paz. But the path is not so linear.

Negotiations between the two heads of government will begin this Wednesday at a meeting in La Plata. Rodríguez Larreta has statistics under his arm that allow him to continue with the planned opening schedule , while for Kicillof that possibility is not so clear. Reset the quarantine? The failed experience of the last days of phase 1 can cause the shot to go out the butt.

The umbrella was opened this Tuesday by the Buenos Aires Minister of Health, Daniel Gollán, and his vice, Nicolás Kreplak. The first said that a collapse of the health system is expected for the second half of August if the level of infections continues as it has been up to now. The second, he pointed out: "We are at the worst moment of the pandemic in our country."

Clarín spoke to Kreplak. The official said: “When the circulation of people increases, contagion increases. At this rate we anticipate that by August 15, 91 percent of intensive care beds will be occupied. We can manage to manage more beds, but if the collapse does not occur in those days it will come soon after. It's just a matter of time".

Today the occupation of the Intensive Care Units is at 54 percent in the Conurbano. One fact in favor, however, is that among the new infections that are added every day, a large majority are mild. ANDThey pray to convalescent serum,  a treatment that is being tried successfully and can finish decompressing intensive therapies in the suburbs. "There is light at the end of the tunnel," the decibels lowered from around Gollán.

The problem is not so much the current photo, but how the film will continue. Despite the fact that the level of occupancy of therapies in the City is still a little higher (60 percent) , they do not see the same concern regarding the issue of greater opening of activities. The R0 in Capital remains at 1.03 (one hundred infected spread to 103).

The intersemanual increase in Buenos Aires cases was 16 percent until the last Friday , which for the first time meant that the amount accumulated in one week was less than the previous week. This situation in the Province has not yet occurred. Anyway, neither of the two districts finished taking his pulse even after the consequences of the light quarantine, which takes ten days.

The disparate figures are reflected in daily reports, in which the Province triples or more the City's numbers. This Tuesday there were 1,202 positive Covid porteños against 4,167 from Buenos Aires. It should be clarified that the GBA has four times the population of the City . In the last week, in the City there were 7,479 registered infections against the 20,686 of the Province.

Is there a possibility of  "divorce" between the City and the Province in the next quarantine? Kreplak considered: “It would not be convenient. We have always reached a consensus and this time should not be the exception ”. From the City, the Deputy Head of Government, Digo Santilli, considered: "We do not see any further restrictions necessary." Official sources close to Rodríguez Larreta added: "The City can be distinguished from the Province in the coming quarantine."

Two things can happen: that the verbal advance of Gollán and Kreplak is the anticipation of the governor's plan , or that the objective is only to install fear. In other words, for Buenos Aires residents to understand that - despite the fact that the social and economic conditions are no longer in place to return to a strict quarantine - social responsibility must be adjusted as much as possible so that the Covid river does not end up in an indomitable ocean.

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