The Limited Times

Andrea Bocelli backtracks after questioning the seriousness of the health crisis

7/30/2020, 1:22:38 PM

“My family was not spared by the virus, we were all infected and feared the worst. Because no one can know the evolution of such an unknown disease ”, explains the tenor.

Mea culpa. Three days after his speech in the Senate, Andrea Bocelli reconsiders his words. Words poorly received by Italian public opinion, which called into question the seriousness of the coronavirus. "I tried to analyze the reality, and I realized that things were not going as we were told," he said then, adding that he had " voluntarily disobeyed" the confinement rules , feeling "humiliated and offended" for not having the right to go out.

Read also: Andrea Bocelli questions the severity of Covid-19 and shocks Italy

“I have always invested myself in fighting suffering. I also did it recently, with the arrival of this miserable pandemic as many know. That is why, if my intervention in the Senate caused suffering, I sincerely ask for forgiveness because it was not in my intentions. Just as I did not want to offend anyone affected by the Covid, ” said the tenor in a video posted on his Facebook account.

“As you know, my family was not spared by the virus , we were all infected and feared the worst. Because no one can know the evolution of such an unknown disease , ”he recalled before explaining his words.

“The purpose of my speech in the Senate was to hope, in the near future, that children can return to normalcy. Hope to be able to live like children by playing with each other, by hugging each other, as they must do to grow up healthily and serenely, ” explained Bocelli, who apologized again at the end of the recording. “To all of those who, because of the way I spoke - certainly not the best - and my words, felt offended or suffered, I sincerely ask their forgiveness. My intentions were totally the opposite of that, ” concluded the Maestro.