The Limited Times

EU, in Lampedusa significant difficulties, ready to help

7/30/2020, 1:34:15 PM

"We are aware" of the intensification of the landings of migrants in Sicily, and "we are following closely" what is also happening in the reception centers. "In Lampedusa in particular the difficulties are significant". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BRUSSELS, JULY 30 - "We are aware" of the intensification of the landings of migrants in Sicily, and "we are following closely" what is also happening in the reception centers. "In Lampedusa in particular the difficulties are significant". So a spokesman for the EU Commission, to a question.
    "In the first instance, it is clearly the responsibility of the Member State to deal with these difficulties - the spokesman recalls - but the European Commission, which has already given support to Italy, remains available if there are further requests". (HANDLE).