The Limited Times

Gender equality: Bellanova, commissioner

7/30/2020, 5:22:21 PM

"After the shameful test that the President of the Puglia Region and the majority of the Council, incapable of adapting the Apulian electoral law to the state norm on double gender preference, have left of themselves, there is only one way to go ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - BARI, JULY 30 - "After the shameful test that the President of the Puglia Region and the majority of the Council have given of themselves, unable to adapt the electoral box law to the rule of the State on dual gender preference, there is only one way to go: proceed with the appointment of an ad hoc Commissioner by decree of the national government ". The Facebook Minister of Agriculture, Teresa Bellellanova wrote on Facebook. "Exclusive objective - he continues - to immediately adapt the electoral law and to guarantee equal opportunities for men and women in the new regional council". "It goes without saying - he adds - that to guarantee the application of the rule and the presence of women in the government of Puglia cannot be a chiper five years he systematically boycotted the first and second. Consequently not the current president". (HANDLE).