The Limited Times

Legal abortion: 700 organizations ask Rodríguez Larreta to veto the non-punishable abortion protocol approved by the Legislature

7/30/2020, 9:58:15 PM

It is a statement that is signed by medical, legal and social organizations. They also argue that before the legislative approval, more than a million signatures had been filed against the project.

07/30/2020 - 10:06

  • Clarí
  • Society

In a joint statement, 700 Argentine organizations and other countries in the region formally asked the head of the Buenos Aires government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, to veto the protocol of non-punishable abortion in force in the City of Buenos Aires.

"In more than 230 public declarations - religious, scientific, legal, academic and third sector institutions have expressed their public rejection - and the almost 1,216,000 signatures presented in both Houses of Congress - on the occasion of the debate on the Draft Law on Legal Termination of Pregnancy that did not achieve legislative approval in the National Congress in 2018- the signatories have anticipated our opinion regarding the need to respect the right to life from the moment of conception, a right that is protected in the article 33 of the National Constitutionand it has been expressly consecrated in 13 provincial constitutions, as well as, at any event, to the need to preserve the right to freedom of conscience, both individual and institutional, "maintains the statement signed by more than 700 Argentine organizations and organizations from other countries. from the region that urge the head of government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, to veto adherence to the national protocol.

In the text, the organizations maintain that the debate in Congress in 2018 was about the Legal Termination of Pregnancy (ILE) although in reality it was about the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy (IVE).

"With the protocol that existed before in the City, during the last year one baby was killed per hour . And 88% of those cases are alleged to be for reasons of comprehensive mental health, something that is not endorsed by the Penal Code. A new protocol It will multiply the death of the smallest of us. We are in favor of life from the moment of conception, and at this moment in which our lives are suspended to save lives, it is important that all lives be saved, " Clarín, lawyer Florencia Critto, part of the organization Mujeres Independientes y Federales, one of the signatories, explains to Clarín .

"Those who support this new protocol do not care about women. It is not empowering to give women the only option to submit to the tragedy of abortion: it is one more form of violence ," adds Critto. "The woman is not told that she has the right to containment, to accompaniment. All women have doubts about whether we will be able to continue with a pregnancy, but the child is already there, the woman is already a mother. erase with abortion, "he adds.

The vote was two weeks ago: 49 Buenos Aires legislators were in favor, 7 against, and 3 abstained. What was approved on July 16 in the City Legislature was the draft Law of Adherence to the Protocol of Legal Interruption of Pregnancy of the National Ministry of Health. Since that approval, voices opposing  this measure have been added , which received votes against only from the ruling bloc Vamos Juntos.

What was voted was that the same conditions established by the Nation for the cases in which women have the right to the Legal Termination of Pregnancy are fulfilled in the City : if it is the product of a violation or if it puts at risk the health or even can cause death in women.

Further back in time, in 2012, the FAL ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation established that it is not necessary to prosecute these cases , and the Ministry of Health of the Nation established a protocol for those rights to be fulfilled. Shortly after taking office, the Alberto Fernández government updated that protocol. In 2012 the City had not adhered and proposed a more restrictive protocol .

Among those who spoke out against what the Legislature voted on is even Bárbara Diez, Rodríguez Larreta's wife . In his Instagram profile he published: "The City was paralyzed to save lives during this pandemic. Is it not so much incongruous that at the same time a death protocol for babies up to 7 months of gestation has been voted? We are doing everything possible as a life-saving society . What are we talking about? "

"Scientific studies prove that a woman in a state of emotional shock - and so is a woman when she becomes aware of her pregnancy going through a crisis - it takes 5 days to get out of her emotional state and connect with her rational capacity that would allow her to look for other alternatives Neither does it foresee providing psychological, social and / or economic support or proposing to her the option of delegating her maternal role through adoption, "assures the statement signed by, among other organizations, Lawyers for Life, Argentine Catholic Action, With my children do not mess and Church Jesus Christ is a lifestyle. In addition, the Mater Dei, Bazterrica, Clinica del Sol and Santa Isabel sanatoriums. Also the Academies of Law, Medicine, del Plata, the Corporation of Catholic Lawyers, Rural Missions and The Libertad y Progreso Foundation, among others.

"We know that many of the women who were thinking about going through the tragedy of abortion and are counseled and restrained finally decide to give their baby up for adoption and even at the moment of birth they fall in love with that baby and stay with him. This is deciding between the culture of death or the culture of life, "says Critto.


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