The Limited Times

Nocturne by Rosi in competition in Toronto

7/30/2020, 2:40:15 PM

Notturno by Gianfranco Rosi is in the Official Selection of the Toronto International Film Festival, whose lineup in 50 films was announced today. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JULY 30 - Notturno by Gianfranco Rosi is in the Official Selection of the Toronto International Film Festival, the lineup in 50 films has been announced today.
   The film, shot over the course of three years in the Middle East, relating to Iraq, Kurdistan, Syria and Lebanon, to narrate humanity beyond the conflict, will arrive in Toronto immediately after being presented in the Venice Film Festival competition.
   It is a return of Rosi to Toronto after Fuocoammare, formerly Golden Bear in Berlin and Oscar nomination. There is already a seller for North America, Submarine Entertainment, as well as the international one, The Match Factory.
    «During three years of traveling in the Middle East, - says Rosi - I met people who live in war zones. I wanted to tell the stories, the characters, beyond the conflict.
   I have stayed away from the front line, but have gone where people try to mend their lives. In the places where I filmed the echo of the war comes, if the oppressive presence is felt, that weight so heavy as to prevent it from projecting into the future. I tried to tell the everyday life of those who live along the border that separates life from hell ".
   With this film Rosi gives voice to a human drama that transcends geographical divisions and the time of calendars; illuminates, through encounters and images, the daily life that is behind the continuous tragedy of civil wars, fierce dictatorships, invasions and foreign interference, up to the homicidal apocalypse of ISIS. Different stories, to which the narrative gives a unity that goes beyond borders. War does not appear directly. All around, and within the consciences, signs of divergence and destruction: but in the foreground is humanity that wakes up every day from a night that seems infinite. Notturno is a film of light from the dark materials of history. (HANDLE).

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