The Limited Times

VIDEO. What is in the merguez sold at the supermarket?

7/30/2020, 5:16:15 PM

Potassium, sodium acetate, sodium citrate, ascorbic acid, acidity correctors, glucose… The composition of some merguez gives

They grill all summer long on barbecues in France. and yet merguez sometimes drags a dubious reputation as to its supposed poor quality. And manufacturers do not help consumers navigate their way by multiplying the types of merguez. "Regular", "real merguez" or "real merguez" ... What are spicy sausages really made of? We asked Antonin Bonnet, Michelin-starred chef at the Quinsou restaurant and owner of La Boucherie Grégoire, in Paris (6th arrondissement), to blind test three supermarket merguez.