The Limited Times

Alleged victim of Jeffrey Epstein describes abuse by Ghislaine Maxwell

7/31/2020, 7:40:16 PM

Virginia Giuffre, an alleged victim of Jeffrey Epstein, describes the psychological cost of Epstein's abuse in parts of a new statement dated May 3, 2016.

Virginia Giuffre

(CNN) - Virginia Giuffre, an alleged victim of Jeffrey Epstein, describes the psychological cost of Epstein's abuse in parts of a new statement dated May 3, 2016.

Giuffre previously described being recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's girlfriend, who was described as a "recruiter" for Epstein's alleged sex trafficking network as a teenager, and alleged that Maxwell ordered her to have sex with numerous men. , including Prince Andrew.

In their statement, lawyers pressure Giuffre to provide additional names of men Maxwell "directed" her to have sex with. The lawyer who conducted the interview names several, including Prince Andrew, former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, one person described as "another prince," and another person described as "the great owner of the hotel chain."

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"Look, I've given you what I know now," Giuffre said in response. "Sorry. This is very difficult for me and very frustrating to have to go through this. I don't, I don't remember all the people. There were a lot of people they sent me to. "

In court filings, Maxwell and her attorney portray Giuffre as an unreliable storyteller, pointing out errors on certain dates and numbers that she provided.

Giuffre acknowledges in the statement that she was paid for the photo of herself with Prince Andrew that has been published in numerous media outlets.

Giuffre's claims have been previously reported by CNN.

Prince Andrew and Richardson have denied the charges against him.

Giuffre also states in his statement that he traveled in a helicopter that Maxwell piloted "many times" on the private island of Epstein in the Caribbean.

In discussing his interviews with reporter Sharon Churcher in 2011, Giuffre says he told Churcher that Maxwell had claimed that he also took former President Bill Clinton to the island owned by Epstein.

«Ghislaine told me that she brought Bill Clinton. And Ghislaine likes to talk about many things that sound fantastic. And if it's true or not, that's what I remember saying to Sharon Churcher.

Giuffre acknowledges in his statement that he somehow felt that Churcher was wrong but never tried to correct it.

She also described how she wondered why former President Clinton was on the island while she was there and discussed it with Epstein.

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"I remember asking Jeffrey what Bill Clinton was doing here, and he laughed and said he owes me a favor," Giuffre told the lawyers in a recorded conversation in 2011 about his allegations against Epstein.

He never told me what favors they were. I never knew. I didn't know if he was serious. It was just a joke.

Giuffre went on to say that Epstein told him that “everyone owes you favors. They are all in the pockets of others.

Giuffre indicated that Maxwell and other "girls" were also on the island at the time.

Giuffre said before and publicly that he saw Clinton on the island.

For her part, Clinton denied ever going to Epstein Island in the Caribbean.

In her statement, Giuffre described being "sent by" Maxwell to have sex with several men under the guise of "massage."

And when they say massage, that means erotic, okay? That is his term, "said Giuffre. “I think there are many other witnesses who can attest to what massage really means. And I tell you that Ghislaine told me to go and give her a massage, which means sex ». The individual's name has been covered.

The recently released documents also show email correspondence between Maxwell and an email address that appears to be Epstein in 2015, where he complains about the negative image he received since he was accused of soliciting a prostitute in 2007.

The documents are part of a disclosure stemming from a 2015 defamation lawsuit against Maxwell filed by Giuffre.

Ghislaine MaxwellJeffrey Epstein