The Limited Times

Coronavirus: antibodies in 1.4 million Italians, 6 times more

8/3/2020, 4:16:18 PM

Contagions are still decreasing, 159 in one day, but 12 dead. In 5 regions no new positive. The swabs made were just 24,036, almost 20 thousand less than yesterday (ANSA)

A million 482 thousand people, 2.5% of the population residing in the family, resulted with positive IgG, that is, they developed the antibodies for SarsCov2. Those who came into contact with the virus are therefore 6 times more than the total number of officially intercepted cases during the pandemic through the identification of the viral RNA. These are the first results of the seroprevalence survey on sarsCov2 illustrated by the Ministry of Health and Istat

The results of the serological test campaign are "provisional" and relate to 64,660 people who took the sample and whose results were received by 27 July. The conduct of the campaign in emergency conditions did not allow to reach completely the originally programmed number of the sample, equal to 150 thousand subjects. However the techniques adopted have allowed the production of coherent estimates. both with the contagion and mortality data and with the results of surveys carried out locally in some realities of the country.

There are 159 contagions from Covid in the last 24 hours in Italy, further decreasing compared to the previous day (yesterday there were 239). According to data from the Ministry of Health, however, the number of victims has increased, which is 12 (yesterday there were 8). The swabs made were just 24,036, almost 20 thousand less than yesterday, with the usual sharp drop on Sunday. Five regions do not register new cases: Marche, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Calabria, Valle d'Aosta and Basilicata. The total infected are now 248,229, the victims 35,166. 200,589 (+129 compared to yesterday) have recovered. Instead, 41 (-1) patients are in intensive care. Inpatients with symptoms increased, now 734 (+26). There are 11,699 people in home isolation (-7), the currently positive 12,474 (+18).