The Limited Times

South Korea: sexist attacks on deputy for dress

8/7/2020, 12:43:38 PM

Sexist storm against the youngest MP in South Korea attacked on her social network for wearing an over the knee dress and sneakers. Cnn reports it. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 07 - Sexist storm against the youngest member of parliament of South Korea attacked on her social network for wearing an over the knee dress and gym shoes. Cnn reports it.
    The Asian country is known for its patriarchal and hemogenous mentality, despite the fact that in this legislature there are 19% of women in Parliament, the highest percentage ever.
    Ryu Ho-jeong, 28, said he wanted to wear the red and blue pinafore dress to "break with tradition" but never imagined he would unleash a ruckus of insults on social media. "Next time he'll show up in a bikini," wrote a hater. "What's a bar?" Wrote another on the Facebook page of President Moon Jae's supporters. And there are those who called her "an" escort ".
    The ruling Democratic Party and his own, the little Justice Party, defended Ryu's choice. "The attacks suffered represent discrimination against women", is written in a statement from the movement in which the parliamentarian plays, while in a Facebook post Ko Min-jung, from the Democratic Party, thanked Ryu "for" breaking with excessive rigor and authoritarianism of parliament ". (ANSA).