The Limited Times

The CNC is alarmed by the collapse of entrances to cinemas since the end of confinement

8/7/2020, 1:49:31 PM

With less than 5 million tickets in total in July, theater attendance is down 75% compared to 2019.Attendance at French cinemas collapsed (-73.8%) in July, with 4.8 million tickets sold over the period marked by reduced programming, corresponding to three quarters of the usual offer, announced Friday the National Cinema Center (CNC). Over the first seven months of the year, attendance is estimated at 44.06 million admissions, a fall of -64.3% over one year, according to the CNC. The rooms were ...

Attendance at French cinemas collapsed (-73.8%) in July, with 4.8 million tickets sold over the period marked by reduced programming, corresponding to three quarters of the usual offer, announced Friday the National Cinema Center (CNC). Over the first seven months of the year, attendance is estimated at 44.06 million admissions, a fall of -64.3% over one year, according to the CNC. The rooms were closed for 99 days during the lockdown, an unprecedented fact.

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Despite this context, the recovery in attendance in France was " more dynamic than that observed in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands or Spain ", notes the CNC. Since the gradual reopening of French cinemas on June 22, the CNC has observed a slow increase in programming: since July 1, between 5 and 10 films have been released each week, i.e. a reduced supply, especially in American films. Summer is traditionally a privileged period for the release of “blockbusters”.

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With the exception of the disaster movie Greenland starring Gerard Butler, released Wednesday, big-budget films have deserted theaters, either because their release dates have been pushed back or because they are ultimately released on streaming platforms. After postponing the release of Mulan several times , Disney decided this week to put the live-action version of the cartoon on its Disney + platform from September 4. A decision that bristled cinema operators.

Read also: Greenland , a disaster film that makes you regret the time of confinement

The National Federation of Cinemas, which brings together the 6,000 French screens, deplored, in a press release, the fact that some films do not come out in theaters and are directly broadcast on streaming platforms. The video of a French operator destroying promotional material for the film Mulan has also made the rounds on social networks.

The next big movie release is Christopher Nolan's Tenet , slated for August 26 in France. With a colossal budget of 205 million dollars, according to several American media, Tenet is a spy film incorporating supernatural elements, starring John David Washington, the son of comedian Denzel Washington.