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Today's horoscope, August 7, 2020, of all the zodiac signs

8/7/2020, 11:34:38 AM

Check your horoscope for today, Friday August 7. What do the stars have in store for you today? Predictions by sign by Astrologer Silvia Rioja

In today's horoscope, Friday, August 7 , Venus , the planet that represents what gives you happiness, will be indicating what it is that will make you happy for the next few weeks.


Venus is the planet that is related to pleasures and, depending on the sector you are going through, activate something that makes you feel good.

Today begins its journey through the sector related to your home and your family relationships and that is why, during the following weeks, what you will be most looking forward to is giving and receiving your affection, as well as living and sharing very good moments with your family.

Your way of enjoying life today will be beautifying your home, spending time buying new decorations or starting a repair. In this way, you will be able to be calm at home, at peace with yourself and enjoy the comforts.

See also:

Aries Weekly Horoscope, August
3-9 , 2020 Aries Monthly Horoscope for August
Aries 2020 Yearly Horoscope


Since your sign is characterized by kindness and diplomacy, your way of communicating is smooth, as you do not like discussions. Starting today, this will be emphasized more by the passage of Venus, the planet that represents courtesy, by the sector of your astrological chart that is related to the way you express yourself.

Everything you talk about in the coming weeks will be said in a more harmonious and pleasant way.

In addition, since the aforementioned planet passes through the Cancer sign at the same time, your words will be very welcoming, showing your emotional and unconditional support for any problem. The messages you write will be very affectionate showing your affection.

See also:

Taurus weekly horoscope, August
3-9 , 2020 Taurus monthly horoscope for August
Taurus 2020 annual horoscope


Venus is the planet related to money and, starting today and for the next four weeks, you will feel very comfortable going through the sector of your astrological chart related to your economy.

This means that it will grow in you the pleasure of earning money, of feeling the joy of a good bank balance and of enjoying material goods.

In addition, in the aforementioned time, you will have more ability to interact with people and do business with them, since Venus has a great ability to manage others through an important force of conviction. But pay attention because it can also make you spend more than you should.

See also: 

Gemini weekly horoscope, August
3-9 , 2020 Gemini monthly horoscope for August
Gemini 2020 annual horoscope


Today Venus, planet associated with self-esteem, harmony and beauty, pass your sign to stay there for the next 21 days. In this time, you will feel admired, safe and will make a good impression on others.

As you will be more optimistic and likeable, it will give you some popularity among your friends and acquaintances, and you will seek to interact with more people.

You will feel the desire to be more attractive, which will encourage you to take better care of your aesthetics, to groom yourself and beautify yourself more. If you are thinking of some type of plastic surgery, this is the best time to do it knowing that all this will make you appreciate yourself more. 

See also: 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope, August 3 - 9, 2020
Cancer Monthly Horoscope for August
Cancer Yearly Horoscope 2020


Venus, which is related to pleasures and lovers, from today will be going through the sector of your horoscope related to karma, past lives and the impossible.

You will notice this influence when you feel that the people you meet are from other lives; particularly, for the special attraction they feel and for the feeling that fate has brought them together again.

This could be very exciting; however, you must be careful how you react because you can fall into toxic relationships. If you are already in a couple, stay away from possibilities of cheating because you are one of the zodiac signs that could commit an infidelity in 2020.

See also: 

Leo's weekly
horoscope for August
3-9, 2020 Leo's monthly horoscope for August Leo's annual horoscope for 2020


The area of ​​your horoscope in which Venus, planet associated with public relations, will be happening from today and for the next 20 days is that of your friends and your social groups.

At the same time, it will go through Cancer, a protective and affective sign. With all this combination, you will be receiving the warm affection of good friends and you will organize small social gatherings, because you want to know how they are and be present in their lives.

Also, instead of wanting to satisfy your own desires, you will be more willing to achieve their goals. It is a time in which you will be giving rise to a very harmonious treatment with others.

See also: 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope, August
3-9 , 2020  Virgo Monthly Horoscope for August
Virgo 2020 Yearly Horoscope


Starting today, Venus, the planet associated with the charism, will be activating that related to your professional image, which means that you will feel attraction to this topic.

Your social reputation will improve and you will enjoy having more fame and popularity, since the circumstances of your work are favorable. In addition, those who have more authority, from your boss or the manager of the company, will have a good predisposition towards you.

You should analyze very well who approaches you to support you because you could find someone to sponsor your work. Keep in mind also that social activities will be related to a professional field.

See also: 

Libra Weekly Horoscope, August
3-9 , 2020 Libra Monthly Horoscope for August
Libra 2020 Yearly Horoscope


Starting today and for the next almost four weeks, Venus, the planet that activates your pleasures, will be motivating you to feel more comfortable reading, attending cultural gatherings and participating in online music recitals.

It will also increase your desire to know other places and other people; therefore, you will decide to travel as soon as you have a couple of days off. You are going to want to get to stranger places or ones you have never been to.

Especially if they transmit some kind of growth of consciousness or mysticism. I recommend you take advantage of this influence to organize a tour to various countries after the pandemic situation improves.

See also: 

Scorpio weekly horoscope, August
3-9 , 2020 Scorpio monthly horoscope for August
Scorpio 2020 annual horoscope


Currently, for the next almost four weeks, Venus, the planet of the pleasures generated by the senses and money, will be activating the area of ​​your horoscope related to your shared finances with partners, your partner or friends.

Due to the aforementioned influence, you will be strongly attracted to increase your profits, find new partners and start working with your online commerce and the modalities of the new economy.

To this end, you will organize more business meetings and develop your charisma so much that, even without looking for it or expecting it, you could find a very passionate love.

See also: 

Sagittarius weekly horoscope, August
3-9 , 2020 Sagittarius monthly horoscope for August
Sagittarius 2020 annual horoscope


Starting today and for the next four weeks, Venus, associated with your ability to love and harmonize, will be activating themes related to your personal relationships.

As you feel comfortable going through this sector, the influence of the mentioned planet is even stronger and you will feel that your power of attraction of new people to your life grows. This will increase your self-worth, since they will be people with a good level of commitment in their actions.

Since you are also in the best time to get married or start a relationship, remember that the signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Leo favor you. You can also lean on the apple bath ritual you can attract true love. 

See also: 

Capricorn weekly horoscope, August
3-9 , 2020  Capricorn monthly horoscope for August
Capricorn 2020 annual horoscope


Venus, the planet in charge of awakening bodily pleasures, will be passing over the next few weeks through the sector of your birth chart where you dedicate yourself to caring for your body, both internally and externally.

As in this sector you also balance your mental, emotional and body centers, you will be attracted to take care of your diet, to exercise and even to practice yoga.

You will also feel pleasure through massages and baths using organic products. In addition, you will be investigating how to have healthy nutrition with foods without chemical or processed contents.

See also: 

Aquarius weekly horoscope, August
3-9 , 2020  Aquarius monthly horoscope for August
Aquarius annual horoscope 2020


Venus is one of the most beneficial planets in the Universe and is responsible for awakening all your ability to flirt, seduce, conquer and love.

Starting today and for the following weeks, it will be favoring you to activate the aforementioned qualities in you, but it will also help you to let yourself be loved and let people who really love and support you approach you.

You will find your greatest satisfaction by giving and giving the other the best of yourself according to the circumstances. In this order, you will be organizing more social activities because you will feel the need to gratify others to feel loved.

See also:

Pisces Weekly Horoscope, August
3-9 , 2020 Pisces Monthly Horoscope for August
Pisces 2020 Yearly Horoscope

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