The Limited Times

Lebanon: resignation of a second member of the government, the Minister of the Environment

8/9/2020, 7:07:21 PM

Lebanese Environment and Administrative Development Minister Damianos Kattar announced his resignation on Sunday evening, becoming the second member of the government to leave after the deadly and devastating explosion in the port of Beirut. To read also: "France-Lebanon: a centuries-old friendship" " Faced with the enormous catastrophe (...) and (...) a sterile regime which missed many opportun...

Lebanese Environment and Administrative Development Minister Damianos Kattar announced his resignation on Sunday evening, becoming the second member of the government to leave after the deadly and devastating explosion in the port of Beirut.

To read also: "France-Lebanon: a centuries-old friendship"

" Faced with the enormous catastrophe (...) and (...) a sterile regime which missed many opportunities, (..), I decided to resign from the government ", announced Mr. Kattar in a communicated. In this moment of pain that unites the Lebanese, I see hope in the capacity of our young people to advance a new Lebanon that meets their aspirations and their dreams ”.

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