The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Putin, Moscow has registered first vaccine

8/11/2020, 1:13:36 PM

The Russian experimental vaccine against Covid-19 was developed by the Gamaleya institute. Phase 3 of the clinical trials began last week. The Russian president: 'It will have to be absolutely voluntary'. Russia has received requests for over 1 billion doses from 20 states (ANSA)

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Moscow has registered the first vaccine against Covid-19, developed by the Gamaleya institute .
    "This morning for the first time in the world a vaccine against the new coronavirus infection was registered," Putin said. Phase 3 of the clinical trials began last week.

Putin said that one of his daughters was also given the Russian experimental vaccine against Covid-19 and is doing well. Tass reports it. According to the Russian president, his daughter had a fever of 38 after the first dose, which the next day dropped to just above 37 degrees. "Then, after the second dose, he had a slight fever again, and after all everything was fine, he feels fine and has a high antibody count."

The Russian coronavirus vaccine, registered today in Russia, was named "Sputnik V" by analogy with the launch of the first artificial earth satellite in 1957. The official website of the vaccine reports it. "Sputnik-1 has stepped up space research around the world. The new Russian vaccine against COVID-19 has created a 'Sputnik moment' for the world community. So the vaccine was called Sputnik V," explains the site. Which can be consulted in Russian, English, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese and French.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said vaccination must be carried out "on absolutely voluntary conditions" so that all those who wish can "exploit the achievements of Russian scientists". Tass reports it. Putin then expects Russia to start mass production of the coronavirus vaccine "in the near future". "I know that other institutes are working on similar vaccines in Russia. I wish success to all specialists. We should be grateful to those who have taken this extremely important first step for our country and for the whole world," Putin concluded.

Russia has received requests for the production of 1 billion doses of the COVID-19 vaccine produced by the Federal Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology NF Gamaleya from 20 states. The head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDFI) Kirill Dmitriev said during an online conference. “We see a great deal of overseas interest in the Russian vaccine. We have received preliminary requests to purchase over 1 billion doses of the vaccine from 20 states.

The vaccine against the coronavirus developed by Russia will be subjected to "rigorous examination and assessment of all the required data on the safety and effectiveness" before getting the approval of the World Health Organization (WHO) said it today Geneva, WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic during an online press conference.

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