The Limited Times

Coronavirus and heat wave: how best to protect risk groups

8/11/2020, 4:34:41 PM

The combination of heat and corona can be dangerous, especially for risk groups. Scientists give tips on how to escape the heat and still protect yourself properly against corona infection.

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The mask stays on - despite the heat: this is a challenge, especially on hot days

Photo: H Studios / Stocksy United

The thermometer rose to 38.6 degrees on the weekend in Trier and thus reached the preliminary record value in Germany for this summer. Hoch Detlef does not give in this week and covers Germany with temperatures of more than 30 degrees.

Even under normal circumstances, heat is a burden for many people and restricts performance. In Corona times, however, high temperatures are twice as exhausting: The protective measures against infection with the virus increase the feeling of heat.

The risk groups in heat and corona are also similar: Older people are particularly at risk at higher temperatures and from a Sars-CoV-2 infection. For them, high temperatures, like the coronavirus, can be life-threatening.

Corona intensifies the heat stress

The number of deaths is increasing even without corona measures at maximum temperatures for weeks: According to a study by doctors and meteorologists in Germany alone, around 6,000 to 8,000 people died as a result of high temperatures in the hot years of 2003, 2006 and 2015. In France in 2003 there were even tens of thousands, mostly old people. According to doctors, the causes of death are cardiovascular disorders, kidney failure, respiratory diseases and strokes.

"The protection of health during heat partly contradicts the measures to protect against infection," explains Hanna Mertes from the Institute and Polyclinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine at the University of Munich Clinic. In the stuffy bus or train, people have to put on a mask this year - additional material that at least restricts free breathing and blocks the heat in the face.

In addition, physical distance is recommended as protection against infection. "During hot weather, however, social support for older people is very important, for example to keep the apartment cool, to choose appropriate clothing or to drink enough," says the health scientist. High temperatures could also increase the risk of complications in those infected with corona.

Good preparation

As with Covid 19, older people aged 65 and over and people with chronic diseases are particularly at risk in the heat. Anyone suffering from chronic lung or kidney disease, cardiovascular disease or being overweight should be particularly careful at the moment, says Mertes. That is why her institute has published tips on how to get through the heatwave safely even in times of pandemics:

  • Ventilate at night and in the early morning, shade the apartment during the day.

  • Avoid strenuous activities during the hot hours of the day.

  • Spend at least two to three hours a day in a cool place.

  • Cool down the body, for example by holding the wrists under cool to lukewarm water or with cooling compresses.

  • Use airy and breathable clothing and bed linen.

  • Drink plenty of water and eat light meals that are rich in water.

  • Talking to your family doctor can be particularly useful if you have chronic illnesses.

Risk groups should prepare well for the hot days - especially in times of the corona pandemic. "There is currently an increased health risk for groups who have heat-related health problems and at the same time an increased risk of severe Covid 19 disease," said Mertes.

She strongly recommends moving shopping or other everyday tasks to the cooler hours of the day or getting help from relatives or neighbors. It is important to keep the mask requirement in the prescribed places and the minimum distance despite the heat. "Wearing a mask, on the other hand, is not necessary if you are alone or surrounded by household members. A mask can make breathing unnecessarily difficult in the heat," says Mertes.

Germany has no (heat) plan

Countries like France have learned from the past summers and introduced a heat plan, the "Plan Canicule". For example, single people over the age of 60 are systematically called in the event of a heat warning with the help of a register. Social workers bring water and provide first aid when needed. In addition, a four-stage heat warning system takes effect and provides local authorities with specific instructions.

In Germany Green leader Robert Habeck spoke out this week for such a heat warning system. "Cool rooms" should be set up in health care facilities. With a program he wants to create more green areas, green areas in buildings, fresh air corridors and shady areas and provide public water dispensers.

In many cities in particular, there is currently still a lack of cooling. The concrete surfaces heat up the ambient air and hardly cool down even at night. The Federal Environment Agency therefore also recommends using more permeable materials when building roads, for example building more paving stones, laying narrow streets and providing plenty of cooling green - through planted roofs, more trees, ponds and water points.

These measures are also recommended regardless of Corona. The World Health Organization estimates that heat waves due to climate change will increase by 2030, not including the corona effect.

Icon: The mirror

With material from dpa