The Limited Times

From tomatoes to cucumbers: these foods must never be in the refrigerator

8/11/2020, 2:40:35 PM

Most groceries go straight to the fridge after shopping. But that is not true in all cases. Much food is not allowed in the refrigerator at all.

Most groceries go straight to the fridge after shopping. But that is not true in all cases. Much food is not allowed in the refrigerator at all.

  • A lot of food ends up in the trash due to incorrect storage in the refrigerator
  • But not every type of fruit and vegetable belongs in the refrigerator
  • Many foods stay fresh longer at room temperature than on the refrigerated shelf.

Offenbach - Every year in Germany around 12 million tons of food end up in the garbage. This means that every consumer throws away around 75 kilograms of food a year on average across the country. The total value: around 20 billion euros. That reports the consumer advice center NRW.

In order to counteract waste, many of us store almost all food in the refrigerator in order to keep the food fresh and enjoyable for as long as possible. A misconception: After all, many everyday foods suffer from the damp cold in the refrigerator. We reveal which products are involved.

Already knew? Some fruits and vegetables should not be in the refrigerator to stay fresh longer. @MehrWertNRW gives tips on the correct storage of #fruit and #vegetables: #Servicetweet #Essen

- Consumer advice center NRW (@vznrw) June 25, 2018

Healthy food: Not every fruit belongs in the refrigerator

Not all types of fruit can withstand the cold temperatures in the refrigerator. Especially the food that comes from southern regions of the world like it warm. This applies to tropical fruits such as lemons, oranges, mangoes or grapefruits. Their ripening process is interrupted by storage in the refrigerator , which means that these types of fruit lose their flavor intensity. In the case of bananas , the cold also changes the cell tissue, which makes the skin brown more quickly.

Also fruits that are rich in water, such as peaches and apricotsdo not belong in the refrigerator. The damp cold quickly makes them floury and bland. Apples, pears and grapes, on the other hand, are among the foods that can cope better with the cold. They can still be stored in the refrigerator .

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In addition, some types of fruit and vegetables, such as avocados, are still offered and sold unripe in supermarkets. These foods should then ripen at room temperature, the refrigerator delays this process. If the avocado is soft, it should be used up within a few days. Only cut avocados end up with their core in the refrigerator for a maximum of three days .

Food rich in water: Do not store tomatoes and co. In the refrigerator

Just like with fruit, it is also with vegetables. Food with a high water content softens much faster in the refrigerator than at normal room temperature. Tomatoes and cucumbers in particular end up in the fridge in most households . There they quickly become watery and wrinkled. Therefore you should never store the vegetables below ten degrees Celsius. A cool and above all dry basement room is therefore better suited for storage.


When the temperature rises in summer, many foods are allowed in the refrigerator. With eggs, for example, the cold chain should never be interrupted.

© dpa / Andrea Warnecke

Onions and garlic belong in every kitchen, but not in the refrigerator. These foods need oxygen in order to develop their aroma and to stay fresh as long as possible. In the refrigerator , the garlic quickly takes on a rubbery consistency and begins to mold faster.

Potatoes and bread: no food for the refrigerator

Potatoes are usually in large nets. Correct storage is all the more important so that the potatoes remain edible for as long as possible and do not wrinkle. The refrigerator is the wrong place for this. Because the cold turns the starch in the potato into sugar more quickly, which is why it has an unpleasantly sweet taste.

Another classic not-in-the-refrigerator food is bread . Because of the cold in the refrigerator, it ages faster and becomes hard. A bread box is better suited for this. However, it is important that it is cleaned regularly. Leftover crumbs promote the development of mold. In general, it is advisable to clean the refrigerator at regular intervals.

Do you often spoil food in the fridge? Correct storage prevents food from spoiling. The graphic shows like

- Greenpeace Hamburg (@GreenpeaceHH) September 14, 2014

Coffee absorbs the taste of other foods in the refrigerator

Coffee beans often mistakenly end up in the refrigerator. However, the aromatic beans absorb the smell of other foods in the refrigerator. This distorts the taste of the coffee. In addition, the other foods noticeably lose their taste intensity. (Yannick Little)

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Andrea Warnecke

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