The Limited Times

Latest news of the coronavirus, live | New Zealand borders the largest city in the country by detecting four positives after 102 days without cases

8/11/2020, 12:40:23 PM

Putin announces that Russia has registered the first vaccine | The pandemic reaches 20 million cases in the world | Spain adds 8,618 infections since Friday; 1,486 cases in 24 hours

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New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinta Ardem announced on Tuesday that the country has registered its first locally transmitted community infections in 102 days, four cases in the same family in the city of Auckland, the largest in the country, which will be confined. In Russia, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that his country has registered the first vaccine against the coronavirus in the world. According to the president, the remedy presented is "safe and effective" and allows achieving a "stable immunity." China reported this Monday that it will allow the return of citizens of 36 countries (including 27 of the European Union) who have a valid residence permit. The director general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, regretted this Monday that scientific work is hampered by the need for funds. "Just for vaccines you need $ 100 billion." In Spain, the Air Force has begun this Tuesday to install a tent next to the University Clinic of Zaragoza with triage modules to assess infected patients and a temporary hospitalization area. Aragon is the community that has registered the most cases in the last 24 hours with 348 new positives. The Ministry of Health announced this Monday 8,618 new infections since Friday. In addition, the death toll has risen to 65 in the past seven days.

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