The Limited Times

Taken by the neck by an agent after a check in Vicenza

8/11/2020, 7:16:03 PM

Immobilized a 21 year old of Cuban origins. The video released on social media triggers controversy over the police intervention (ANSA)

A policeman immobilizes a 21-year-old boy by squeezing him around his neck after a check in the center of Vicenza: the young man, a 21-year-old of Cuban origins, tries to free himself, while his friends shout and film with his cell phone. The images of the incident were released today via social media and sparked controversy on the net about the intervention of the Police.
    The boy was arrested for violence and resistance to a public official, while the agent had to seek medical attention for injuries that could be cured in three days. The social centers have announced that they want to meet tomorrow in front of the court, where the direct route will be held. 

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