The Limited Times

Tania Ruiz, Peña Nieto's girlfriend, breaks the silence about her health

8/11/2020, 4:41:16 PM

Tania Ruiz, girlfriend of the former president of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, decided to clear up the rumors about his state of health.

For a few days there was a rumor that Tania Ruiz , girlfriend of the former president of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto , had COVID-19. But it was until August 10 that she confirmed it herself through her Instagram account.

The 32-year-old model made a publication on her Instagram Stories where she explained the reason for her absence from said social network, in which she had not shared photos since July 26.

"Instagram family. I wanted to thank you all for your beautiful messages. I miss you too! I have stayed out of the networks this time because COVID fell on me," the businesswoman wrote, adding, "This guest who is inside me , I welcomed him and I had to accept that he came for something. Just knowing that he arrived and is in me, I told him to please treat me well. "

Photo: Getty Images

"There are times when it passes, how fatal I have felt, but sometimes he has his good vibes hours, that he treats me better. But I continue to fight with him and the two together," Ruiz said in reference to the coronavirus.

Photo: Instagram / @ taniaruize

Finally, the influencer's message mentions, "I hope to God I'll be back soon, well and with all my heart. I am very positive in everything and I will always continue like this. I send you all a hug and many blessings, beautiful people. I always want and thank you for everything ".

In an interview she gave to the Mexican newspaper Reforma , Tania gave more details about how the disease has been, explaining that she was in San Luis Potosí with her parents and her daughter Carlotta, when the symptoms began.

"At first I never thought it was COVID-19, and with smell was already the signal, the fact that I did not know my food and having the flu was like the key. Then I woke up with glued eyes, and I did not know that conjunctivitis was a symptom, "said the model.

He also indicated that a rapid test was done in which he was negative, but as he continued with the symptoms, an RT-PCR study was carried out where he was positive, so he decided to isolate himself in Mexico City.

On how the disease is affecting her, she mentioned, "At night my chest and throat hurt a lot, I also have a cough, it only stops when I am asleep. During the day, I am very dizzy, as if I were not present, so I sorry ".

In an interview she recently gave to Who , Tania Ruiz also denied the rumors that she had separated from Enrique Peña Nieto, "I have never broken up with Enrique. Not a single time! We get along excellent and it is a very beautiful relationship that I always thank God for having it. "

In addition, he made reference to the message he sent to the former president on July 20, for his birthday, "Imagine who in his right mind is going to upload a photo with a dedication like mine to someone with whom he is not his boyfriend. He would have to being an incoherent person. "

In that post, Tania wrote, “Happy Birthday! Happy life! Today is a day to give thanks. I not only celebrate today, which is your birthday, but every day for your existence and for being in my life. Words are unnecessary to express and thank you for so many feelings and emotions that I have. It's your birthday, but the gift is mine for having you in my life. "

See also: 

Tania Ruiz records the moment in which she receives a blow to the face

Tania Ruiz, Peña Nieto's girlfriend, poses without makeup on her birthday

On video: Watch Tania Ruiz's first declaration of love