The Limited Times

RB coach Nagelsmann: Better Atlético than Bayern Munich

8/12/2020, 9:46:04 AM

Lisbon (dpa) - Julian Nagelsmann is happy to avoid FC Bayern Munich in the Champions League blitz tournament for the first time.

Lisbon (dpa) - Julian Nagelsmann is happy to avoid FC Bayern Munich in the Champions League blitz tournament for the first time.

"I'm glad that Bayern didn't turn out right away. A German duel doesn't have to be this early," said the RB Leipzig coach before the quarter-finals against Atlético Madrid on August 13th (9:00 pm) in an interview with the streaming service DAZN . A clash between the two Bundesliga clubs in Lisbon would be possible in the final of the premier class on 23 August at the earliest.

Nagelsmann also expects better chances against Madrid through the mode. "For Atlético, two games would be much easier than just one because they are so ripped off. It's easier for us to have just one game because we can just go to the limit in the game without having to think too much", said the 33-year-old. Due to the form of the tournament, Nagelsmann sees all possibilities for his team: "It can go all the way to the final. It's easier this year than in other years."

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