The Limited Times

Barely Enough: "Music School" | Israel today

8/13/2020, 3:13:52 PM

The fourth season of reality has matured and perfected, but does not bring the public attention of its predecessors | TV

The fourth season of Reality has matured and perfected, but does not bring the public attention of its predecessors • Has everyone around moved on to distance learning?

  • Psychologists will still reap the rewards, but the main thing that everyone enjoys


    From the program

No one likes to go to school. It's an oppressive and downright fun piece of bag, with discipline, tests, class differences, intrigue and lessons. Ask any student you meet, or an alternate prime minister, and he will immediately confirm it. But there is one school that may be worthwhile for Bnei Gantz to check out details about for the upcoming school year, because there is an impression that it is the most fun at the "School of Music."

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At Keshet's school all the children are friends of everyone. Education is built on integration, the messages are educating, very positive, empowering and embracing, and Ido Rosenblum drives the students to class. There are no bullies at the "School of Music," and Noa Kirl is the amazing teacher. Everyone passes all the tests with a perfect score, and the amount of paragons and compliments will inflate the children's egos at levels that many psychologists will support. Even when a bespectacled child is confused by the excitement of the lyrics of the song "The No Man's Land," it really does not move anyone.

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Even the fourth season of "School of Music" does not move anyone; And relative to the competition in its early seasons of Wonder Children such as Adi Beatty, Lake Bohbot and Sean Gittleman, the current season is progressing without public attention. The format of the show, born in 2011, has matured and adapted to the period: it is less soft and innocent than ever, trying to speak to viewers in huge swag and emojis that pop up and disappear. This season of "School of Music" is no longer a kid with a microphone - it's numbers with the stand and LED screens, choreography and touch-up of a makeup artist before you open your mouth.

In this school all the children are dressed sound and solid, but fashionable just like in the commercials. Precisely the four judges make sure to dress like those who are forcibly trying to stay young in spirit. And this, by the way, is the answer to the question of why the hell Harel Skaat wears shorts in prime time. "He looks like a mint," Rosenblum remarked, making the whole class laugh.

But if you look at everything broadly, you will understand that this cool school is actually a children's version of "The Next Star." The inspiration is in every corner - in the design of the studio, in the performances, in the figures who dance behind the scenes or in the presenter who hosts the contestants on a couch. It’s a spin, but feels outdated because the pop world has long been out there. The contemporary packaging of pop heroes absorbs all of its inspiration today from the worlds of tiktok, so “School of Music” gives us a feeling like we are stuck in a peeling class while everyone around has moved on to distance learning.

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The current generation of children and youth is today able to become much more famous through tic-tac-toe and Instagram than in a television singing competition that lifts into the clouds, then releases them to continue flying on their own. Without wings. They may dream of singing and moving, but more than anything else the kids from "Music School" dream of being on TV, stand out and become famous. As soon as a camera is aimed at them, their little eyes immediately light up and the show begins. I told you it's really fun to be a student at a "music school."

Because what does a 10-year-old want overall? Become a child prodigy that the whole school is jealous of and the teachers give him preferential treatment. Then do some campaigns, take pictures for the media, record congratulatory videos, grow ticks, disappear from the public consciousness, do an interview "Where is he today", shave your head, land back on the ground and longingly remember how once, when you were a 10-year-old boy, you believed In the innocence that can conquer the world through a reality show.

"School of Music 4", Rainbow 12, 9:30 p.m.

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