The Limited Times

Gas dispute in the Mediterranean: Merkel tries to mediate by talking to Erdogan

8/13/2020, 8:12:59 PM

Tensions between Turkey and Greece over the Mediterranean gas are mounting. Chancellor Merkel therefore phoned Recep Tayyip Erdogan - and his adversary.

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The Turkish research vessel "Oruc Reis" (here on the Bosporus in Istanbul)

Photo: Yoruk Isik / REUTERS

Turkey and Greece are still fighting over gas reserves in the eastern Mediterranean. Chancellor Angela Merkel telephoned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to mediate. A government spokesman confirmed the talks when asked by the Reuters news agency. Erdogan emphasized that he wanted to resolve the dispute through dialogue and on the basis of international law.

The Turkish research vessel "Oruc Reis" has been on its way south of Rhodes and the small Greek island of Kastelorizo ​​since the beginning of the week to search for natural gas in the Mediterranean Sea. Turkish warships protect it. Kastelorizo ​​is only around two kilometers from the Turkish mainland, but like Rhodes it belongs to Greece.

After reports of a collision between a Turkish and a Greek ship, Erdogan had warned of an escalation. "We say that you will pay a high price if you attack our 'Oruc Reis'. And you received the first answer today," said Erdogan in a speech in Ankara.

Various rumors of an incident have been circulating in the Greek press since that morning. According to some reports, there had been a side collision between a Greek and a Turkish frigate. Others reported that a Greek frigate had touched the side of one of the support ships of the Turkish research vessel "Oruc Reis". The rumors from Athens were initially neither confirmed nor denied.

According to reports on Greek state television, extensive maneuvers by Greek and French warships took place south of Crete on Thursday. French President Emmanuel Macron had previously announced that he would strengthen the French military presence in the eastern Mediterranean. France, like the EU, has asked Turkey to stop drilling for oil and gas in disputed waters.

The foreign ministers of the EU states will discuss the topic among other things in an unscheduled video conference on Friday.

Icon: The mirror

kfr / dpa / Reuters