The Limited Times

Mesut Özil: "I decide when I go, nobody else"

8/13/2020, 8:54:58 AM

Mesut Özil accuses his club Arsenal of bad style. Despite the lack of perspective, he does not want to leave the club. He also comments on his refusal to waive his salary during the Corona break.

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Arsenal tenth Mesut Özil

Photo: Shaun Brooks / imago images / Action Plus

Ex-national player Mesut Özil has shown himself to be determined to fulfill his contract with Arsenal and stay with the London Premier League club. "I decide when I go and nobody else," he told the sports portal "The Athletic". In 2018 he "signed for four years, and that should be respected by everyone," said the 31-year-old.

Özil has not been used by coach Mikel Arteta since the end of the Corona break, after he was part of the regular staff before the break of the season. The midfielder has therefore shown disappointment with the coach and club. "After the restart I didn't get a chance to show what I can," he criticized. It wasn't the lack of fitness either: "I was fit enough to play before the break, and then it was the same." He could therefore not understand Arteta's disregard.

"I guess because it's me"

Özil also defended himself against allegations that he was the only Arsenal professional to defend himself against a salary waiver during the Corona break. "I wasn't the only one, but only my name was mentioned in public, I suspect because it is me," said Özil. He did not agree to the club's move because he did not feel sufficiently informed by the club: "Everyone in such a situation has the right to know everything about it." From Özil's point of view, this did not happen. Özil continues: "I have a baby at home, and I have obligations to my family here, in Turkey and in Germany and for my charity projects."

He was also annoyed by the club’s distancing after Özil campaigned for the rights of Muslim Uyghurs in China in December of last year: "I gave Arsenal a lot, on and off the pitch, and the reaction was disappointing". What he said was "not directed against China, only against how China deals with the Uyghurs". Arsenal officially distanced themselves from Özil's statement at the time.

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