The Limited Times

Argentina: they call their baby "Covid" and cause controversy in the country

8/14/2020, 8:48:59 PM

The Covid-19 pandemic, which has killed more than 700,000 people worldwide, has also inspired parents to ... the names of their newborns

The meaning of a given name seems to be essential for many parents. In Argentina, a family visibly felt that a baby born under the difficult circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic was a "strong little man" and decided to call their son: "Covid".

Ciro Covid was born by cesarean section in late April and weighed 3.2 kilograms. Alicia, the child's paternal grandmother, explained to Diario Ceres the choice of the parents, Debora and Eduardo. "They were talking about the fact that their baby was going to be famous because he was born in a difficult time for everyone, and that was going to make him a strong little man!" “Was obviously not surprised the grandmother, who also expressed her joy at the arrival of her fifteenth grandchild. And to add: “His name touched our hearts. "

"A lack of respect" for the victims of the virus

The news has indeed spread across the country after a photo of the birth certificate was shared on social networks. This image, along with data from the baby's mother, went viral within days, sparking debate, at times fierce.

In #Ceres, nació el primer niño llamado “Covid”. Ciro Covid Sequeira, de esta manera be invited in el primer baby nacido during the #Pandemia, al que se lo llamó de number #Covid 😷👇

- Gustavo M. Alfaro (@GMALFARO) April 24, 2020

Faced with the many comments, the health establishment itself spoke on the subject. And he obviously did not like the first name chosen.

“I am particularly sad that this has happened, and even more so in our hospital. I think it's a total disrespect for the millions of people who have died from this virus, ”revealed an inside source from the hospital in El Litoral. "This name is a wish of the parents and we, as an institution, cannot oppose it", clarified more officially Leandro Bonzini, deputy medical director of the regional hospital of Ceres, in Infobae.

"Covid" quite a popular name this year

While the Covid-19 pandemic is spreading and killing many people around the world, Ciro Covid is not the only one to have a name linked to the virus. A Filipino couple has indeed baptized their newborn Covid Marie in the midst of a pandemic. Parents believe her birth will bring "hope" and "optimism" to a world beset by the pandemic, according to local media.

A couple from the state of Chhattisgarh in India also decided to name their twins, born on March 27, “Corona” and “Covid”.