The Limited Times

In Europe, retirees drawn on to compensate for low rates

8/14/2020, 1:43:05 PM

DECRYPTION - The taboo of taxing savers is gradually crumbling. In France, the question is raised in banking circles.

Stupor in Ireland, where retirees do not seem to be able to enjoy a little respite in this summer obscured by the health and economic crisis. The bad news fell at the end of July: retirement savings deposits in the Bank of Ireland, a private establishment, will be drawn on next September to offset negative rates. Penalized for many months by the low interest rate policy of the European Central Bank (ECB), the largest commercial bank in the country believes that it is "no longer viable to hold such large funds without charge ".

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" Is it fair that average pensions can be cut because of a tariff decision of the banks?" “One wonders in the Irish media. In the country of Clover, this decision raises serious concerns: will other banking establishments follow suit? " The prudent, who have taken the trouble to provide for their retirement find themselves punished ", denounces The Independent

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