The Limited Times

Mid-August: barbecue for 8 out of 10 but Sos fires

8/14/2020, 5:07:24 PM

The absolute majority, according to the interviewees in the Coliretti Ixe 'survey, prefers grilled meat-based (62%), 19% mixed ones, 13% fish ones, while the percentage of vegetarians is reduced (ANSA)

- Over 8 out of 10 Italians (81%) take the opportunity of summer to participate in traditional barbecues by the sea, in the mountains, in parks, in the countryside or in homes with adequate space and recover the desire to be together while respecting of the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus. This is what emerges from the Coldiretti / Ixè survey on one of the most deeply rooted passions among Italians in August that with the great heat feeds the risk of fires and therefore it is necessary to avoid lighting fires not only in wooded areas, but also in cultivated areas or in nearby.

The absolute majority, according to the interviewees, prefers grilled meat (62%), 19% mixed ones, 13% fish ones, while the percentage of vegetarians is reduced (6%). "To have an excellent result from cooking with the barbecue - Coldiretti underlines - the basic rule is to use quality raw materials, much better if Made in Italy, which guarantee freshness and authenticity. It is then possible to save up to 50% with the purchase of lesser-known and cheaper alternative cuts, but also more suitable for the dish you want to bring to the table, without sacrificing Italian quality.

For this reason it is important, continues Coldiretti, to enhance the "pieces" that belong to the Italian culinary tradition such as the famous Piedmontese boiled meats, the exquisite Faentina (belly cut into slices and cooked on the grill), the salted tongue and the stewed tripe loved by the entire Central South of our peninsula. Italian cuts of beef , starting from those of the historical breeds such as Piemontese, Chianina, Maremmana, Marchigiana, Podolica and Romagnola are perfect to be roasted on the grill, but also the chop pork and Italian pork sausages have impeccable quality characteristics.

A little more patience is needed to cook the chicken on the grill. Rabbit meat also performs well on the grill. A perfect positioning of the barbecue away from places at risk of fire is the first necessary operation to be able to work safely and with the best results. It is necessary - points out Coldiretti - a stable and safe support surface.

The equipment must also be adequate: a grill, tongs, brush and gloves cannot be missing. A fundamental rule is that the barbecue can never be left unattended, but must be watched over especially in the presence of children who must be kept at a safe distance. To make good embers it is advisable to use quality charcoal. Wood can transmit aromas to food, but also ruin its flavors if it is too rich in resin. The cooking of the dishes must be started only when the flames are gone: the ideal - specifies Coldiretti - is the burning charcoal covered by extinguished ash. It is a good idea not to constantly turn the dishes on the grill, avoiding piercing the meat to see if it is cooked. After cooking, the food must be placed on a wooden cutting board with grooved edges and left to rest for a few seconds before cutting. At the end of the barbecue - concludes Coldiretti - turn off the charcoal to avoid the risk that some sparks falling on dry vegetation could ignite a fire. (HANDLE).