The Limited Times

Zombies, the traumas of children in a short film in Venice

8/15/2020, 9:22:00 AM

Only 13 minutes to tell that parallel universe between the world of the so-called 'adults' and that of children, a parallel universe sometimes full of dramas and things not said or impossible to say. (HANDLE)

(by Francesco Gallo) (ANSA) - ROME, AUGUST 14 - Only 13 minutes to tell that parallel universe between the world of the so-called 'grown-ups' and the world of children, a parallel universe sometimes full of drama and things not said or impossible to say . This is the case of 'Zombie', the closing essay of the scriptwriting and direction course 'From idea to set', curated by Giorgio Rights in 2019 for the Fare Cinema Foundation by Marco Bellocchio in Bobbio. A short film that will be presented on 11 September at the Venice Film Festival as a special closing event of the 35th International Critics' Week (SIC @ SIC - Italian ShortCinema section), whose shooting took place in six days, in November 2019, between streets of Bobbio. It all begins on Halloween with excited telephone messages full of insults and embarrassments, between a couple 'broken', the one composed of the forty-year-old Paola (ElenaArvigo) and her husband. Meanwhile their daughter, Camilla (Greta Buttafava), is out of school waiting for her father, but waiting for her, she will soon discover, it is instead her mother who, almost to console her, takes her to the pastry shop to get a hot chocolate with cream. Once home, her mother disguises her with great zombie care: the right dress, a nice cardboard envelope with two holes for the eyes to put on your head and create the right terror and that's it. "You are perfect," the mother proudly says to her daughter before taking her out for the expected "trick or treat" moment. In a Bobbio animated by the feast of the dead, mother and daughter stroll through the streets of the town, hand in hand, with Camilla ready to abuse at every door, even the wrong one where she can see, without being seen, what it was better not to see.
   Lastly, it is worth noting how the latest film by Giorgio Rights, 'I wanted to hide', will be released again in theaters with 01Distribution from Wednesday 19 August. On the 15th, 16th and 17th of August, the film will be premiered in the summer arenas. (HANDLE).