The Limited Times

March 17A: Together for Change endorses the protest, but again hard and moderate differ

8/16/2020, 8:28:00 PM

Some leaders convene through networks and will go to the Obelisk this Monday. Others accompany with a lower profile. The position of each one.

Martin Bravo

08/16/2020 - 15:15

  • Clarí
  • Politics

Some promote the protest on social networks and will participate in person. Others support her, but will not go. There will be some who will go out to show themselves on the street without going to the Obelisk, others who will only get on in a virtual way and those who seek to balance or directly reject it in private. The call for the 17A march against the Government generates different positions in Together for Change, between the attempt to capitalize on the growing boredom of a sector of the population due to the diffuse quarantine and differences on the extent to which tension with the ruling party in the critical moment of the pandemic.

As in other marches against Alberto Fernández and before December in support of Mauricio Macri, the Cambiemos referents attribute the call to militants on social networks outside of party structures - then they would go up, if they were massive - although in this case one sector was more explicit in the previous one.

"I would say that 99% of adherents to the PRO feel they should be there with their flag, in their car, taking care of themselves," said Patricia Bullrich - head of that party -, although he considered it a "citizen march." The visible face was Luis Brandoni , with a video that circulated on the networks, and the rejection of the judicial reform was added as slogans requests for the opening of economic activities and claims against insecurity. Although this weekend the actor, a radical militant, sought to take something away.

Hundreds of people went to the Obelisk on August 1 to oppose the judicial reform. Photo Juano Tesone.

“The fact that there is a public demonstration within the framework of respect for the restrictions speaks of the need to have an independent Justice, security and work . He speaks of a situation of five months of inactivity that is leaving Argentine families in a situation of poverty and other problems, such as mental health, ”Bullrich told Clarín .

Macri, who is still in Europe with his wife and daughter, went up to the July 9 protest, with a photo of people with Argentine flags on his Twitter account. In the last zoom meeting of the national table of Together for Change, the former president spoke in a critical tone about what he called the "dead-end quarantine model."

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, meanwhile, came out to highlight the character of the calls "in a personal capacity " and not of Together for Change. “You have to understand everyone, those who are quarantined and those who can't take it anymore. There are people who are fed up, but we do not encourage the march, "a high-ranking Buenos Aires government official explained to this newspaper, concerned about the eventual impact on coronavirus cases:" The crowds always generate a health risk. Alberto Fernández had warned at that point. Also the minister Ginés González García . The head of government balances in the midst of this tension.

The opposition flag at the Obelisk on another national date: July 9. Photo Andrés D'Elia.

Diego Santilli, responsible for security, assured that there will be controls and that the Police will intervene in the event of overflows . At the headquarters in Uspallata they rejected the criticisms of Eduardo De Pedro and Cristina Kirchner for the repression in the march for Santiago Maldonado: “We always act. We imprisoned the 13 anarchists and those who attacked the C5N journalists ”. Given the claim of the President, beyond eventual incidents, the City will not stop the protest but rather a request to maintain care to minimize risks.

"I support the demonstration, but I'm not going to participate, " said Alfredo Cornejo, head of the UCR. Other radicals did not endorse it. " This is not the time to be marching," questioned one of the three governors of the party in private. "We are going through a time when the people have to be a single team," Gerardo Morales had said a few days ago, when he distanced himself from Macri. From the PRO, Federico Pinedo also detached himself from the protest.

The positions functioned in part as a new chapter in the different orientations of the opposition space, with the struggle between intransigents and moderates. In line with Rodríguez Larreta,  María Eugenia Vidal warned that she will not attend although she let it be known that "society has the right to express itself" with the necessary care. Emilio Monzó and Rogelio Frigerio went further and considered "a mistake to politicize the march " in the context of the pandemic. "People always have the right to express themselves, but we are not going to participate or encourage mobilizations in quarantine," assured Sebastián García de Luca.

"We must demonstrate in a peaceful manner , guaranteeing distance," Elisa Carrió suggested to the newspaper La Nación. Some deputies of the Civic Coalition will go, loose, to the concentration in the Obelisk. From the hard wing they insisted on questioning Rodríguez Larreta for not differentiating himself more from Alberto Fernández's strategy with the isolation measures, and attributed the most conciliatory position of the leaders to the negotiations for the debt of the provinces with the Guarantee Fund of Sustainability of the ANSeS within the framework of the Fiscal Pact, with maturities that should be deducted from the co-participation although the President promised to postpone. In total they are about $ 25 billion, counting districts in the power of Peronism and Juntos por el Cambio, all except Córdoba, Santa Fe, San Luis and La Pampa.