The Limited Times

Xiyingpan man fell off building after slashing his parents

8/16/2020, 7:28:24 PM

The Lunchang tragedy occurred in Xiyingpan. At 0:00 in the morning, a security guard in Fuyu Building, No. 53-65 High Street, reported that a man was found lying lying on the back lane of the building and suspected that someone had fallen from the height. Ambulancemen arrived and confirmed that the male victim, who was about 40 years old, was dead and did not need to be sent to hospital. The police arrived at the scene and went upstairs to investigate. They were shocked to see that a man and a woman in the unit were in a coma with stab wounds on their bodies. They were initially suspected to be the parents of the deceased. The ambulancemen immediately gave first aid to the two of them. Among them, the father was hit by a knife in the chest and was unconscious. He was rushed to Queen Mary Hospital by an ambulance; while the mother was still awake and was sent to the hospital by another ambulance. The police are investigating the incident.


Written by: Liu Ding'an, He Weihong, Chen Yongwu

2020-08-17 03:14

Last update date: 2020-08-17 03:19

The Lunchang tragedy occurred in Xiyingpan. At 0:00 in the morning, a security guard in Fuyu Building, No. 53-65 High Street, reported that a man was found lying lying on the back lane of the building and suspected that someone had fallen from the height. Ambulancemen arrived and confirmed that the male victim, who was about 40 years old, was dead and did not need to be sent to hospital.

The police arrived at the scene and went upstairs to investigate. They were shocked to see that a man and a woman in the unit were in a coma with stab wounds on their bodies. They were initially suspected to be the parents of the deceased. The ambulancemen immediately gave first aid to the two of them. Among them, the father was hit by a knife in the chest and was unconscious. He was rushed to Queen Mary Hospital by an ambulance; while the mother was still awake and was sent to the hospital by another ambulance. The police are investigating the incident.

Help website and hotline:

The Hong Kong Samaritan Association for the Prevention of Suicide Hotline: 23892222

Hospital Authority Mental Health Line: 24667350

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Zhi Ruo Yuen Hotline: 18281

Samaritan Hotline: 28960000

Social Welfare Department Hotline: 23432255

Life Hotline: 23820000

Jockey Club Youth Emotional Health Online Support Platform-"Open 噏" 24-hour online counseling: 91012012 (SMS)

Liminhui "Instant Communication": 35122626

Murder suicide

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