The Limited Times

Jens Soering on his imprisonment in the USA: "Every weakness you show leads to rape"

8/17/2020, 11:19:01 PM

Jens Soering was convicted of double homicide and was behind bars for 33 years. After his return to Germany, he spoke to SPIEGEL about his survival strategies and an act that destroyed his life.

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Jens Soering

Photo: Peter Hönnemann / DER SPIEGEL

This article first appeared in SPIEGEL 10/2020. On the occasion of the documentary "Killing For Love - The Jens Soering Case", we are releasing the conversation. "Killing For Love - The Jens Söring case", Tuesday, August 4, 2020, from 8:15 pm all four parts or in the ZDF media library

An apartment in an old building in Hamburg in early February, high ceilings, modern art, a long wooden table in front of the window: Jens Soering, "Prisoner 179212" and, depending on your point of view, "Justice Victim" or "German Monster", welcomes you to talk about it. how to survive decades in American prisons, what freedom feels like, how things should go on for him now. Where the apartment is, what you can see from the window, to whom it belongs: Please don't mention any of that. He is learning again what "privacy" means and how to protect it, he says.

The apartment belongs to one of Soering's "supporters", he has friends all over Germany and the USA who have campaigned for years to get Soering, now 53 years old, released from prison.

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