The Limited Times

102-year-old flashes false police officers

8/18/2020, 4:01:08 PM

A caller tricked her into thinking that her daughter had had an accident and asked for tens of thousands of euros - but an elderly lady from Lower Saxony did not fall for it. Elsewhere, too, a senior citizen saw through the scam.

In Celle, a 102-year-old woman flashed a fraudster who had falsely pretended to be a police officer. According to the police, the con man had called the woman the day before and told her a lie: her daughter had caused a fatal accident, was in prison and could only be released on bail.

The man had demanded the payment of a "middle five-digit amount" with the money handed over at the lady's place of residence, it said. But the 102-year-old saw through the trick and told the caller that she didn't have that much money. The fraudster then hung up. The investigators said the police never ask for any money. They warned against disclosing information about one's own financial situation over the phone.

Similar case in Neubrandenburg

Similar to the one in Celle, however, a fraudster attacked a woman from Neubrandenburg in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania - but apparently failed by accident. According to the police, a fake daughter-in-law called an 81-year-old on Monday. She therefore pretended that the pensioner's son had caused a fatal accident and was therefore in custody. However, he could be released against payment of 18,000 euros, provided the woman didn't tell anyone about it.

The woman then took a taxi to the city center, withdrew 16,000 euros from the savings and went to the police station to "release her son right away," as they said. In the meantime, the fraudsters tried several times to call the Neubrandenburg woman on her cell phone, which she had probably overheard. The police then notified the real son.

Icon: The mirror

fek / dpa

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