The Limited Times

All international matches outside Europe postponed in September

8/18/2020, 6:34:15 PM

Zurich (dpa) - Due to the corona pandemic, the world association FIFA has postponed the games outside of Europe planned for the upcoming international match window from August 31 to September 8.

Zurich (dpa) - Due to the corona pandemic, the world association FIFA has postponed the games outside of Europe planned for the upcoming international match window from August 31 to September 8.

As FIFA announced, the games will be rescheduled between January 24 and February 1, 2022. The international matches in the area of ​​responsibility of the European Football Union UEFA are not affected, including the start of the German national team in the Nations League on September 3 in Stuttgart against Spain and three days later in Basel against Switzerland.

For the Bundesliga clubs, the decision of the FIFA Council Committee also means that they no longer have to turn off their non-European players in the direct preparation for the first round of the DFB Cup (11-14 September).

"These changes are the result of in-depth consultations with the football confederations and interest groups as well as corresponding proposals by the FIFA Covid 19 working group and the confederations, taking into account the previously agreed principle of a flexible approach tailored to each confederation and thus the different pandemic situation in each country has been taken into account, "wrote FIFA. The working group will continue to follow the situation "and submit further proposals to the FIFA Council if necessary".

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Game calendar

World association FIFA