The Limited Times

Coming Soon? Watch the football game held in full nudity - Walla! sport

8/18/2020, 11:58:01 AM

Political artist Griet Strachewski has organized an extraordinary game, designed to protest the commercialization of modern football. So how do you differentiate between the two groups? By the color of the socks, of course

  • sport
  • Trash talk

Coming Soon? Watch the football game held in full nudity

Political artist Griet Strachewski has organized an extraordinary game, designed to protest the commercialization of modern football. So how do you differentiate between the two groups? By the color of the socks, of course

  • football

Not to be missed

Tuesday, 18 August 2020, 09:24


    Although the German league ended a few weeks ago, it turns out that from time to time you can still see a football game in Germany - and not just a game, but a naked football game.

    Yes, you read that right. A few days ago, a special show game was held in the North Rhine-Westphalia area, in which the only item of clothing the players wore was socks - one team wore black socks, the other blue (otherwise how can the two teams be distinguished?).

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    In fact, it is less of a showcase game and more of a protest game: the various players have protested against the commercialization of modern football. "The football system is sick, so we spread," said game organizer, political artist Griet Strachewski. "Everyone wants authenticity, but the only real authenticity is to play without everything around, the sponsorship signs, the advertisers and the clothes."

    The players went up to the grass with the numbers that were supposed to appear on the game shirts painted on their backs. Strachewski, who has already organized a number of nude protests in recent years, added: "I want to set an example of diversity and naturalness, at the expense of the dependence we have developed on social networks and wrong ideals of beauty."