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Men's Empowerment Workshop: "They Are Left Behind" Israel today

8/18/2020, 3:55:08 PM

Musician Oshri Abutbul has decided to inaugurate a workshop called "Child Man", which deals with male struggles • "From childhood they tell you 'do not cry' | Music

Musician Oshri Abutbul has decided to inaugurate a workshop called "Child Man", which deals with masculine struggles • "From childhood you are told 'be a man', 'do not cry'. We also have softness and gentleness."

  • Oshri Abutbul, Initiator of "Child Man"


    Elad Maimon

Sometime in the 2017 area, at the height of the flourishing of women's groups on Facebook, a male contra group was formed. She was called "Oh man, what's up?", Included as its name implies - men only, and took a distinctly satirical approach. Posts like "I want to talk for a moment about my feelings. I feel hot" and "My brothers in blood, I need help choosing between a tiger tattoo or a dragon with a sword" became popular, and overall it was a fun and entertaining initiative that faded after weeks Few.

There was nothing to talk about seriousness there (and quite rightly so), but a look at the story from the outside reveals a built-in reality: while women jumped at the chance to share experiences and feelings and channel their connection to places of friendship, entrepreneurship and empowerment, men still do not feel so comfortable Connect with those who do not belong to their closest circle of friends or carry a stretcher with them at least once in a lifetime.

Oshri Abutbul, a musician (saxophone, flute and other wind instruments), also noticed the phenomenon and decided to take action. On August 20, he is going to inaugurate "Child Man" - a workshop that he says is an "in-depth meeting for men", which will deal with men dealing with the concepts of the new masculinity, in a world where gender roles are changing and evolving radically.   

"The idea came to me from an internal investigation of trying to figure out what it's like to be a man in the world," says Abutbul, 32. "I came across all sorts of situations where I noticed how men feel alienated from each other and very alienated from each other." Naturally, so-called. "

Not really hard to understand why. From a very young age behavior education is always gendered.

"Absolutely, it's something very rooted and it's very much in our DNA, that man is a hunter. So it's made men a little bit more aggressive and combative to each other. Something that just stays with us with history and is no longer necessarily relevant today. It's less necessary and we are less We have to fight with each other. "

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You are basically arguing that while women have made the change and are leading a gender revolution, men have not yet internalized the new model they should be striving for.

"Unequivocally. A man is not only a warrior, macho, violent and powerful, he also has a lot of softness and gentleness in him. In fact more than that: I think man and woman is a very cultural term. I more refer to men as male and female, two forces that exist in nature. I do not come and rule out the matter of a man at all, an existing man and an existing woman. Within each of these two forces are activated. Both within a man there is a woman in the end and within a woman there is some man. It is a voice that both sexes have learned to silence over the years. He raised his head and gave birth to the feminist movement. The female voice is very strong and good that way, he went out and understood his place in the world. The man is actually a bit left behind, less in sync with the new reality and less connected to his emotion and femininity. I am not saying there are no such men today. Everything, but something is left behind. "

On the planned evening, which Oshri initiated together with his friend Maayan Rahamim, the renewed men go "to build a brotherhood of men", they say, through lectures on new masculinity, shatter myths about masculinity and build what they define as a "circle of sharing". All accompanied by food, wine and music.

You know there are people who saw the event of the encounter and honestly thought "sausage party".

"To be cynical about this thing, to say 'there is no situation, I'm a man, I do not need it' is exactly where this dissonance of masculinity is. We are doing a very fine and level event, which comes to explain the complexity of being a man. Go 'be a man', 'do not cry', from trying to build you like everyone else, as if there is one form to a man.It's not true.It has a lot of amazing things that can be changed just by the thought.Everything takes time to seep in, certainly when it comes to such an idea "Innovative and revolutionary that people are not used to yet. It will take time but it will come completely. I believe in it."