The Limited Times

RKI: More corona evidence with infection abroad

8/18/2020, 8:55:15 PM

Returnees may have become a bigger problem. The registered new corona infections that are related to an infection abroad are increasing. But an important number is unknown.

Returnees may have become a bigger problem. The registered new corona infections that are related to an infection abroad are increasing. But an important number is unknown.

Berlin (dpa) - Almost 40 percent of the people who last tested positive for the coronavirus in Germany were infected abroad. This is based on data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

Of the known new corona infections in reporting week 33, for which there was an indication of the likely country of infection, the proportion of infections abroad was 39 percent. For comparison: In reporting week 32, 34 percent were likely infected abroad, in reporting week 31 it was 21 percent. Kosovo, Turkey, Croatia, Bulgaria and Bosnia and Herzegovina were most frequently named - over a period of four weeks - as likely infection countries.

However, the RKI did not state how large the proportion of tests of return travelers was in all tests. This information is necessary in order to assess how large the proportion of imported infections actually is. For example, it could be that returnees are tested more often on average than the rest of the population.

There have been a total of 225,404 known corona infections in Germany since the beginning of the corona crisis - however, of a third of them there is no information about the suspected country of infection. According to the RKI, the number of deaths in connection with a corona infection is 9236. According to RKI estimates, around 203,000 people had survived the infection by Tuesday morning.

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RKI dashboard

RKI management report from August 18.