The Limited Times

Champions League: towards fan zones for the PSG final?

8/19/2020, 2:25:07 PM

The Ministry of Sports is considering the establishment of fan zones to frame the celebrations of supporters during the League final of

The joy overflowed on the Champs-Élysées after the victory of Paris Saint-Germain in the semi-final of the Champions League on the night of Tuesday 18 to Wednesday 19 August. This without respecting barrier gestures, and while France is experiencing a rebound in the Covid-19 epidemic.

The forces of order deployed en masse on the Champs-Élysées and around the Parc des Princes intervened for "various throwing of projectiles, acts of violence on a person holding public authority, insult and rebellion, and thefts. and concealment of thefts ”, according to the police headquarters, and arrested 36 people.

PSG victory: overflows on the Champs-Élysées, a looted store

These gatherings had not been declared. The Minister Delegate for Sports Roxana Maracineanu, on Franceinfo, called for the "responsibility" of the supporters "so that they celebrate, I hope, the victory of our teams by staying at home", recalling that it was necessary " avoid gatherings in the street as much as possible ”.

These celebrations out of control made the Paris police headquarters, the Bouches-du-Rhône prefecture and the Minister of Sports reflect on the possible establishment of small fan zones in the capital for the Champions League final on Sunday 23 August. . These fan zones would make it possible to control flows and to respect barrier gestures in places where the virus is circulating "actively". "It is an exceptional event, we will perhaps set up fan zones, a specific framework for Sunday", indicates the minister on BFM TV.

The Sports Ministry confirmed to the Parisian that requests for exemptions had been filed "to derogate from the limit of 5,000 people authorized per event" without specifying the term fan zones.

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“Sport must remain a celebration but with responsibility. It is difficult to channel the joy of young people ”, declared the Minister of Sports.

Liesse in Paris: the Minister of Sports calls for the civic spirit of supporters and to "adapt the way he celebrates"

- BFMTV (@BFMTV) August 19, 2020

In addition, the Paris police headquarters recalled Wednesday that gatherings of more than ten people are prohibited due to the Covid-19 pandemic, unless the organizers provide evidence that the barrier gestures will be respected.

Anne Sourys, Deputy Mayor of Paris, regretted that the Prefecture of Police did not "anticipate" supporters' gatherings in the street.

It is forbidden to meet with more than 10 people when the barrier gestures cannot be respected. The @prefpolice should have anticipated the rallies of supporters in the street. A huge cluster is in preparation. It's irresponsible and dramatic for Parisians

- Anne Souyris (@annesouyris) August 19, 2020

With the experience of this victory, the government is studying more closely the possible options to allow young people to cautiously celebrate the victory of a French club in the final of the Champions League.

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