The Limited Times

Coronavirus disease. 8.20|Unit adds 18 cases, hitting a new low of 44 days, three-year-old patients died

8/20/2020, 5:13:39 PM

The third wave of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong continues, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases has increased to 4,605; the Department of Health announced today (20th) that as of midnight, 18 new cases have been confirmed, case numbers #4588 to #4605, the number is nearly 44 days New low. Zhang Zhujun pointed out that the number of confirmed cases is relatively small, and some sample collection centers may be closed due to the windfall yesterday, and fewer people have submitted samples. There are more than 20 preliminary positive cases. Among the new cases, many groups continue to have new cases. Among them, Kwai Chung Container Terminal has temporarily recovered more than 3,000 sample bottles. However, three more people at Hong Kee Port, the "severely affected area", have been diagnosed; another two printers have been infected, including One person stayed in a rental unit on the second floor of Cheung Hing Building, Mong Kok.

Social News

Written by: Zheng Cuibi, Yuan Shu, Li Enci, and Chen Jiayi

2020-08-20 07:00

Last update date: 2020-08-21 01:09

The third wave of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong continues, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases has increased to 4,605; the Department of Health announced today (20th) that as of midnight, 18 new cases have been confirmed, case numbers #4588 to #4605, the number is nearly 44 days New low. Zhang Zhujun pointed out that the number of confirmed cases is relatively small, and some sample collection centers may be closed due to the windfall yesterday, and fewer people have submitted samples. There are more than 20 preliminary positive cases.

Among the new cases, many groups continue to have new cases. Among them, Kwai Chung Container Terminal has temporarily recovered more than 3,000 sample bottles. However, three more people at Hong Kee Port, the "severely affected area", have been diagnosed; another two printers have been infected, including One person stayed in a rental unit on the second floor of Cheung Hing Building, Mong Kok.

Eight restaurants including North Point Dondonya were on the list.

Confirmed restaurant | North Point Dondonya and other 8 restaurants on the list, two patients have been to the King Taipan of Liangjing Plaza

August 21st [00:30] The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong continued. The Department of Health updated the itinerary of confirmed cases within 14 days this Thursday (20th) evening. According to information, confirmed cases have visited eight new restaurants on Thursday. Among them, a 37-year-old man (#4547) living in Block B of Healthy Gardens in North Point reportedly visited three restaurants in North Point, including everyone in Healthy Square. The McDonald's in the first phase of Le and Health Village, and Jianweifangdondonya.
In addition, the newly diagnosed #4599 is a 69-year-old man who reported that he had visited King Taipan in Leung King Plaza, Tuen Mun. The 32-year-old man (#4412) who was diagnosed on Sunday (16th) also reported that he had visited the same In a restaurant, both of them are cases of unknown origin.

New crown pneumonia|The third death on the day was located in the upper floor of the Tsz Wan Shan Hong Kong Tai Nursing Center. Uncle 70 died of illness

[22:58] Guanghua Hospital spokesperson announced that a confirmed 71-year-old male patient (case number: 1718) passed away at 9:36 pm. The patient was sent to the emergency department of Guanghua Hospital for treatment on July 16 due to fever and dyspnea. During this period, his condition continued to deteriorate. A total of 75 confirmed patients with COVID-19 have passed away in public hospitals. Three elderly people have died from this afternoon to the evening. The two deceased died 2.5 hours apart in the evening.

The dead 70-year-old man lived in the Yongfa Building at Tsz Wan Shan, the same site as the Hong Kong-Thailand Nursing Center where the epidemic broke out. (Photo by Golden Chess/Data Picture)

Confirmed Building|A full list of patients’ addresses in the Star Global group and one more person reports to stay at Royal Plaza Hotel

[22:15] The third wave of the epidemic is not over. The Center for Health Protection announced today (20th) that 18 new confirmed cases were added yesterday (19th), and the residence information of the confirmed cases will be updated in the evening.

Following yesterday’s announcement of three Star Global direct sales group patients living in the Royal Plaza Hotel in Mong Kok, one of the patients announced today is staying at the hotel. So far, at least six people in this group have stayed in or visited the Royal Plaza Hotel. In addition, another patient was added to Whampoa Garden. In the past 14 days, the housing estate has been infected with the 11th person.

New crown pneumonia | Weiyuan's 72-year-old mother-in-law has been ill for more than a month but her husband and daughter of the immigration department recover

[21:50] The Prince of Wales Hospital announced that a 72-year-old confirmed female patient (case number: 1568) passed away at 7:04 pm. She had other diseases and was admitted to the hospital with a fever on July 13. She was subsequently diagnosed with COVID-19. The condition was stable at that time, but the patient's condition continued to deteriorate. So far, 74 patients with confirmed COVID-19 have passed away in public hospitals. The hospital feels sorry for the death of the patient and will provide appropriate assistance to the family.

New crown pneumonia|The survey indicates that 80% of Hong Kong companies will work at home after the epidemic, and 55% will encounter cyber security incidents

[19:56] The new crown pneumonia epidemic is raging, and many companies have adopted the remote working mode of work from home. A survey found that Hong Kong companies tend to maintain the remote working mode after the epidemic is over. Fifty-five percent of Hong Kong companies have experienced at least one data breach or network security incident. More than 80% of companies allow employees to use personal emails and personal devices to work at home, the highest percentage in the Asia-Pacific region, and there are concerns about network security.

Zama will postpone another postponement due to the epidemic in January next year. Mr. Tian: March and April are most likely to be announced next Friday.

[19:35] The Standard Chartered Marathon, one of the major sports events in Hong Kong, is reported that the Standard Chartered Marathon on January 24 next year will be postponed again. In this regard, Mr. Tian’s Chief Vice President Gao Weilin admitted that when he was inquired by "Hong Kong 01", Zama "most likely to be held in March or April, or even next October." He also pointed out that the meeting will be held next Friday (28th). Meeting with government departments, etc., and said that some of the arrangements need to be finalized by the Hong Kong government. The meeting will be "all of which will be exposed" and there will be a final decision, so that foreign players have the opportunity to compete in Hong Kong.

Nationwide Testing | News of 18 districts to be launched on September 1st: The government will announce the details as soon as tomorrow

[19:34] The government has invited medical groups to discuss the nationwide testing plan, but the specific details have not been released yet. According to the news, the authorities plan to start testing on September 1 and expect to announce the details of the plan as soon as tomorrow (21st).

New crown pneumonia | Three patients from Star Global group have stayed at Royal Plaza Hotel and suspended for three days

[19:13] Mong Kok "Star Global" direct sales group added 3 patients yesterday (19th), Zhang Zhujun, director of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health, said at a press conference today (20th) that the 3 cases were friends , Once stayed together at the Royal Plaza Hotel in Mong Kok "maybe together." Three people have never been admitted to the quarantine center, and one of the confirmed patients had a meal with a person diagnosed with mg earlier in the beginning of August. Royal Plaza Hotel in Mongkok stated that it will unconditionally accept free check-out for travelers who have already checked in and who have already booked a room and are about to stay, and will stop accepting new accommodation reservations in the next 3 days in order to carry out a full disinfection of the hotel.

New crown pneumonia | Supermarket employees, licensed hawkers, etc. can test contractors for free

[18:57] The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced today (20th) that it will start serving supermarkets and clubs with certificates of conformity, and have submitted registration forms to the Home Affairs Department. Employees engaged in catering business in clubs, and Licensed hawkers, arrange free virus testing. Relevant persons do not need to register online. Testing contractors (Prenetics Limited) began to distribute sample bottles to licensed hawkers in supermarkets, clubhouses, and restaurants throughout Hong Kong today to collect deep throat saliva samples.

The FEHD will work closely with testing contractors to determine the order of dispatching staff to various locations based on risk assessment and manpower resources.

New crown pneumonia | SWD clerical assistant diagnosed on duty at Kowloon City Court Building on August 14

[18:30] The Social Welfare Department announced today (20th) that a clerical assistant working at the Kowloon City Probation and Social Service Order Office (sub-office) was diagnosed with novel coronavirus pneumonia. The staff member last worked at the To Kwa Wan Government Offices Office on August 10 and on duty at the Kowloon City Court Building on August 14. The SWD and the Kowloon City Magistrates' Courts have cleaned and disinfected the office and the relevant areas of the court building respectively.

New crown pneumonia | The government will gradually restore public services next week, green homes will resume house selection

[18:01] A government spokesperson announced today (20th) that in response to the latest developments in the epidemic, government departments will gradually resume more basic public services that were previously suspended or reduced in response to the public and enterprises from August 24. demand. Among them, the Housing Authority's green home selection service will gradually resume on August 31.

[16:55] Case number 564, a 33-year-old male patient engaged in IT work, was diagnosed at the end of March this year. After recovering and discharged from hospital in mid-April, he recently returned to Hong Kong via London and traveled to Spain. He tested positive for the virus again. Liu Jiaxian pointed out that the patient is currently staying in Yabo Community Hospital and is in stable condition. The University of Hong Kong is assisting in further sampling and testing. Experts collect all the test data and will discuss it in detail. At present, it is difficult to analyze the cause of the patient's "rejuvenation" from a single test result.

According to media quoted news, the guild has expanded the authorization of relevant government personnel to trace the source of the confirmed cases. I was asked which type of government personnel will be extended, and whether the relevant arrangements will be related to the implementation of national testing. Zhang Zhujun said that matters concerning the guild were "not convenient to talk about," and there was no relevant information on the national inspection.

As for one of the newly confirmed cases of Indian domestic helper (#4592), it was an Indian domestic helper who was staying in the quarantine center and lived in Changxing Building until the 15th of this month. After that, I went to live in another unit in Fa Yuen Street. Later, the agent learned that she had lived in a unit in Changxing Building, so she vacated the space for her to live in. She had to live in the unit in Fa Yuen Street.

New crown pneumonia | Thai nationals who overstayed yesterday confirmed that the staff involved in oral inspections must be quarantined

In addition, overstaying Thai nationals who had stayed at the Qingshan Bay Immigration Center confirmed the diagnosis yesterday. A total of 3 detainees and 5 immigration officers were classified as close contacts. Zhang Zhujun said that there are no other confirmed cases. The immigration personnel who had checked the patients "feeled high risk" due to the procedures involved in opening the mouth during the period, so they had to be sent to the quarantine center. As for the investigation into the whereabouts of the Thai man, it was handed over to the New Territories South Crime Squad of the police for follow-up.

There are 18 new confirmed cases in Hong Kong, the number is a recent low. Zhang Zhujun pointed out that it may be related to the lack of samples. (Photo by Yu Junliang)

New crown pneumonia | The outpatient delivery rate of bottles is only 67%, the service for identifying 56 confirmed cases is extended by three months

[16:47] Liu Jiaxian, Chief Administrative Manager (Quality and Standard) of the Hospital Authority said:

As of 9 am today, the HA system has reported 31 cases in the past 24 hours. One more patient passed away. The 92-year-old lady (#4281) involved died in Queen Elizabeth Hospital at 8:48 this morning, with a total of 73 People died. At the same time, 48 patients have recovered and been discharged. A total of 3,827 patients have been discharged so far. At present, there are still 660 patients in the 19 hospitals of the HA, the Lei Yue Mun Community Isolation Center and the Yabo Community Treatment Facility. 31 of them are in critical condition. 35 people are in serious condition and 594 people are in stable condition. As for the number of negative pressure hospital beds is 1,251, the utilization rate is 52%; the number of negative pressure hospital rooms is 690, the utilization rate is 65%

Liu Jiaxian continued that the 22 outpatient clinics of the Hospital Authority have assisted in distributing sample collection kits and deep throat samples since July 21. The authorities have decided to extend the relevant measures for three months since July 21. He pointed out that from July 27 to yesterday, the HA distributed about 30,000 sample bottles and tested 23,000 samples. A total of 56 positive cases were found, with a positive rate of 0.24%. He described "the rate is high." . He believes that individuals with mild symptoms may not necessarily seek medical attention. This test method can help identify patients early for early treatment. He urged that if citizens think they are at high risk, they should submit samples within 3 days after taking bottles.

New crown pneumonia | 18 cases confirmed in a single day, lowest in 44 days

[16:41] Zhang Zhujun, Director of the Infectious Disease Division of the Center for Health Protection, Department of Health, said:

As of 0:00 in the morning, 18 newly confirmed cases, with case numbers #4588 to #4605, are the lowest in recent days. Zhang Zhujun pointed out that the number of confirmed diagnoses today is relatively small, and some sample collection centers may be closed due to the windfall yesterday, and fewer people have submitted samples. There are more than 20 preliminary positive cases.

Among the new cases, only 1 was an imported case, 17 were local cases, 12 were related to other confirmed cases, and 5 had no source. Of the 12 related cases, 6 involved family groups or gatherings of friends.

Several groups continue to have new cases. Among them, the Kwai Chung Container Terminal temporarily recovered more than 3,000 sample bottles. However, three more people from Hong Kee Port, the "severely-hit area", were diagnosed; another two printers were infected with the disease, one of whom had stayed in Changxing, Mong Kok Rental units on the second floor of the building.

New crown pneumonia | Two adults worry about losing their jobs, unemployed blind people: need drugs to sleep two nights a week

[16:32] The new coronavirus epidemic in Hong Kong has lasted for more than half a year, and various industries have suffered setbacks. A group survey found that 50% of the interviewees had reduced their working hours due to the epidemic, and two adults were facing unemployment.

Tim, who is blind, is also one of them. Due to the impact of the epidemic, his performance and arrangement work in the restaurant has been greatly reduced or even suspended. Together with the rent of the subdivided room and the long-term drug funding, the monthly fixed funding for the two people is about 16,000 yuan to 17,000 yuan, but the current income is not enough to cover the capital; because of financial problems, he disclosed that one or two nights a week need to rely on drugs to fall asleep, hoping that the government can provide a lump-sum subsidy or "subsidies to the unemployed" until".

New crown pneumonia | More than half of the elders interviewed have negative emotions, sleepy and lonely

[14:10] Caritas Hong Kong’s elderly services in the Middle East Kowloon District announced that after interviewing more than 1,900 elderly people over the age of 60 in a survey on the lives of elderly people under the epidemic, it was found that more than half of the elderly people interviewed were continuously affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic and their mood changed Be negative and often feel worried, panicked and troubled.

Some elderly people living alone dare not go to the street due to the epidemic, sitting on the four walls, feeling unconscious and depressed, "it looks like lonely", and their physical functions deteriorate.

[12:56] Queen Elizabeth Hospital (20th) announced that a confirmed 92-year-old female patient (case number: 4281) passed away today. The patient involved has a long-term illness and was admitted to Queen Elizabeth Hospital for treatment on August 11 due to fever. The patient's condition continued to deteriorate and he was separated from the world at 8:48 in the morning. Together with the above cases, a total of 73 confirmed patients have passed away in public hospitals so far. Looking through the information, the patient originally lived in Jianmin Building, Aimin Village, Kowloon City.

[11:54] According to the news, there were fewer than 20 confirmed cases in Hong Kong today, which may be related to the typhoon that struck Hong Kong yesterday and the closure of some clinics in the morning.

Junyang Village|District Councillor: prospective residents worry about infection or buy protective clothing and decoration workers dare not enter the village to work

[10:58] The government recently announced that it would not be able to return Blocks 1 to 3 of Junyang Village as scheduled. They will still need to be used as a quarantine center before the end of this year. Prospective residents will not be able to move in until the second quarter of next year. Five prospective tenants will gradually move in at the end of this month. Shatin District Councillor Mak Tsz Kin said on a radio program today (20th) that the residents of Blocks 4 and 5 are in a dilemma. On the one hand, they are worried about the risks of living in the same village with quarantine persons. Some people are also worried about the need to wear a full set of protective equipment to the estate. After taking the key, some people said that the decoration workers were afraid to work in Junyang Village. The prospective residents of Blocks 1 to 3 are no longer able to pay rent. Mai appealed to the government to provide compassionate arrangements, such as subsidizing the residents of 6000 yuan a month until they move in.

National Testing|Western Medical Union: The plan requires 8400 medical staff to participate but only 2000 people sign up

[09:19] The government plans to implement voluntary testing for all people, but the details have not been announced. Yang Chaofa, the president of the Western Medicine Union who was in a meeting with the government, said on a radio program today (20th) that if you want to sample 5 million citizens, you will need to 8,400 people participated in assisting the sampling, but the government currently claims that only more than 2,000 people signed up.

Yesterday's Overview: New Coronary Pneumonia·8.19 | 26 cases increased in a single day, a new low of nearly 35 days, Lam Tin Library staff first diagnosed

New crown pneumonia | 26 new cases hit a 35-day low, Qingshan Bay Center overdue Thai people diagnosed in Hong Kong

New crown pneumonia|Thai national overstaying confirmed 3 detainees 5 close contacts of immigration

New crown pneumonia | 26 confirmed cases see a new low in one month

New crown pneumonia | 13 passengers of Air India flight AI314 confirmed for the first time




Confirmed restaurant | 4 more restaurants on the list, 19-year-old female patient had 101 minced pork rice and Xiaowang beef noodles

[00:00] The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong continues. The Department of Health updated the itinerary within 14 days of the confirmed case on Wednesday (19th) evening. A 19-year-old female patient (#4447) living in Guidi New Village, Sha Tin, last Saturday (15th) After the diagnosis, it was reported that he had visited 5 districts, including Yau Tsim Mong, Wong Tai Sin, Sai Kung, Kwun Tong and Yuen Long.
Another male patient had eaten in Tai Po and Yau Tsim Mong, a total of 4 restaurants were on the list; among them, the 101 minced pork rice specialty store on Sai Yeung Choi South Street and Telford Plaza Phase II Xiaowang Beef Noodles, because of the female patient Have patronized and made the list.

Confirmed Building|A full list of patient addresses in the Star Global group, adding three more patients to the Royal Plaza Hotel

[00:00] The third wave of the epidemic is not over. The Center for Health Protection announced on Tuesday (18th) that there were 26 new confirmed cases yesterday, which is the first to see the prefix 2 in the past 35 days. The center will update the housing information of the confirmed patients at night.
According to the latest information, there are two hotels that have patients staying in. Among them, the Royal Plaza Hotel in Mong Kok has three new patients reported as their addresses. The patients are two women and one man, aged between 21 and 23, all involved in Star Global direct sales groups. Group related. A man who came to Hong Kong from India also reported that he lived in the Novotel Hotel Kowloon, Hong Kong, and was believed to be in quarantine. In addition, Tseung Kwan O On Ning Garden added two new cases on the same day, which are also located in Block 4.

Real-time effective reproduction rate of local cases. (Screenshot of Hong Kong University School of Medicine website)




▼The third wave of measures such as the government's extension of the gathering restriction order and the ban on eating in the evening market ▼




New crown pneumonia | Unemployment rate has fallen, restaurant and hotel construction is still the hardest hit area HR: job hunting is still not easy

New crown pneumonia | A female staff member of Lantian Public Library was diagnosed early this Tuesday, and yesterday was the last working day

New crown pneumonia ︳ Guo Jiaqi approves national testing, high risk of sampling by medical students

New crown pneumonia | Caritas Medical expects nosocomial infections combined with the death of an 86-year-old male

New crown pneumonia | 26 new cases hit a 35-day low, Qingshan Bay Center overdue Thai people diagnosed in Hong Kong

New crown pneumonia | The Democratic Party sends a letter to Zhang Jianzong to urge all people to send another 10,000 yuan and establish unemployment assistance

New crown pneumonia | Only three adults at the container terminal returned the sample bottles. He Boliang advocates setting up street stations for circular sampling

New crown pneumonia | Yuan Guoyong advocates six air changes per hour in restaurants. Engineering scholars: general equipment is difficult to reach

New crown pneumonia | This year's wine and delicacy parade first moved to be held online. November Hong Kong Cycling Festival cancelled

New crown pneumonia new crown pneumonia my home 01 Video

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