The Limited Times

Sevilla FC wins the sixth Europa League in its history

8/21/2020, 9:01:14 PM

Sevilla FC won the Europa League final in Cologne on Friday against Inter Milan (3-2). At the end of a fiery first half, the two teams were back to back (2-2). The Interists had taken the advantage on a penalty from Romelu Lukaku (5th) but the Dutch striker ...

Sevilla FC won the Europa League final in Cologne on Friday against Inter Milan (3-2). At the end of a fiery first half, the two teams were back to back (2-2). The Interists had taken the advantage on a penalty from Romelu Lukaku (5th) but the Dutch striker Luuk De Jong scored twice with a header (12th, 33rd) to give the advantage to the Sevillians. Diego Godin, also in the lead, then put the two teams tied (36th) before half-time. And the Spaniards scored the winning goal by Diego Carlos (74th). A true specialist in this competition, Sevilla FC - crowned in 2006, 2007, 2014, 2015 and 2016 - won a sixth C3 in the last fifteen editions. Six finals, six coronations, impressive.

Read also

  • Sevilla overthrow Inter and win sixth Europa League

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