The Limited Times

A little garlic trick with a big effect: This saves you effort and smell

8/21/2020, 2:25:31 PM

Is garlic used a lot in your kitchen? Then you might get annoyed that it is often difficult to peel and your fingers smell forever afterwards.

Is garlic used a lot in your kitchen? Then you might get annoyed that it is often difficult to peel and your fingers smell forever afterwards.

  • Anyone who likes to use garlic in their dishes knows the problem:
  • The smell sticks to the fingers for a long time - even washing your hands helps only minimally.
  • With a simple trick you can avoid the annoying smell.

Garlic is a common ingredient in savory dishes. Whether you belong to the people who handle more economical with the tuber, or to those fundamental one clove use more than required: You will have been angry ever considered that the solid shell so hard to break away from the toes is and the fingers stink afterwards - sometimes even the next day despite washing hands. A simple tip from a professional chef can help quickly and easily and you don't even need any additional kitchen helpers.

Garlic is easier to process with water

Before you next "torment" yourself in the kitchen, it is better to let a bowl of water do the work for you. Put the garlic cloves you need in it and let them soak for a good 20 minutes . After that, the bowl can be easily removed *. Also the pungent smell that sticks to the fingertips after cutting the garlic clove is nowhere near as strong or has even completely disappeared.

The garlic cloves can be processed normally after this procedure. Slightly dried-on toes that have been with you for a while will even get a little freshening treatment and will not burn so quickly in the pan afterwards.

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There are a few things to keep in mind when cooking with garlic

The garlic cloves are now easier to work with, but there are a few small things you need to consider if you want to achieve the best taste result.

  • Do not use garlic presses . Rather grate the garlic or cut and chop it very finely with a very sharp knife. So the garlic stays rounder in taste.
  • For a restrained garlic flavor, add the cloves to the pan or saucepan.
  • For a particularly intense garlic aroma, add the garlic cloves to the dish at the end , when it is no longer cooked.
  • If the garlic has formed a green sprout, remove it before cooking or frying. To do this, cut your toe in half and simply lift out the green "heart" with the tip of a knife.
  • (ante) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network.

    Also read: Garlic, salt and a knife - celebrity chef reveals his delicious tip

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