The Limited Times

JVA officials are said to have beaten and kicked prisoners in Dresden

8/21/2020, 5:07:37 PM

Among other things, they are accused of dangerous bodily harm in office: Six officers are said to have acted brutally against prisoners in the Dresden prison or to have tolerated the attacks.

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JVA Dresden (archive picture): Serious allegations against employees

Photo: imago stock & people / imago / Thomas Eisenhuth

The Dresden public prosecutor's office has brought charges against six judicial officers, including dangerous bodily harm. In 2018, they are said to have partially hit and kicked prisoners from Afghanistan, Tunisia and Morocco in the Dresden penal institution, the public prosecutor said.

Two suspects are said to have forced an inmate to the ground in July 2018 and punched him several times in the upper body and head. Another prison officer is said to have seen it, but not intervened. Three of the prison staff are said to have brought another prisoner to the ground, handcuffed him, and kicked and punched another prisoner several times.

Bleeding head wound

One accused is also accused of having pushed another prisoner into his submerged cell in August 2018 in such a way that he slipped and hit his head against a door frame. The inmate suffered a bleeding wound on his head as a result.

The Dresden District Court decides on the opening of the main proceedings and the admission of the indictment.

Icon: The mirror

bbr / AFP