The Limited Times

Solange died, the young woman with cancer who could not say goodbye to her father due to the restrictions in Córdoba

8/21/2020, 3:34:20 PM

His father was prohibited from entering the province because the coronavirus test gave him "doubtful" and he had to return to Neuquén.

08/21/2020 - 12:17

  • Clarí
  • Society

Solange Musse, the young woman with cancer whose father could not visit due to the sanitary measures imposed in Córdoba due to the pandemic, died this Friday at dawn in the provincial capital.

Solange, 35 , decompensated in the last hours at the Allende sanatorium, where she had been referred from the city of Alta Gracia, a few hours after her case was reported in the national media.

The story of Solange and her father Pablo is part of the many that were generated and that are hidden behind the coronavirus. It all started on Saturday, when Pablo, who lives in Neuquén, got in the car and traveled half the country to see his daughter again , who was undergoing an “alternative treatment” to fight against serious breast cancer.

Once he reached the limit of the province of Córdoba, a sanitary control stopped him and it was there that the problems began.

The man was traveling accompanied by his sister-in-law, who suffers from a motor disability and lives in Córdoba: “They gave us swabs. Hers tested negative, but I was told that mine was 'doubtful'. Then they made me another one, and it was 'doubtful' again ”.

"They explained to me that it could be because I have another condition, but they told me that two 'doubtful' results were already coronavirus." At that time, they told him that he could not enter.

Without being able to see his daughter, the man denounced that they forced him to return to the province of Neuquén without giving them the possibility of quarantining in a hotel in Córdoba despite the fact that his sister-in-law is domiciled in the province.

“My daughter has had cancer for 10 years. I know what phase four is and I want to see it now and then not see it again. She was waiting for me. She was very anxious and all of this made her bad , ”he said, desperate to see Solange, unable to hold back his tears, on the El Doce channel in Córdoba.

The return to Neuquén, he denounced, was torture. He said that they forced him to drive 40 hours without being able to stop at service stations to rest. He said that he was escorted by eight patrolmen who followed him like a criminal .

"They did not care at all," he said and assured that they did not let him stop to rest despite the fact that he warned the police of his fatigue and how dangerous it is to drive in that state.

“Eight police mobiles accompanied us all the way to Neuquén. The policemen told me that I could not get off even at the service stations to buy food, "he said annoyed and assured that they were not allowed to go to the bathroom and they had to" relieve themselves in the field, in the middle of the road. "


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