The Limited Times

The moving letter left by Solange, the young woman with cancer who could not say goodbye to her father: "Until my last breath I have my rights"

8/21/2020, 9:37:20 PM

He had expressed all his pain and indignation after a health check prevented his father from entering Córdoba due to the coronavirus.

08/21/2020 - 14:54

  • Clarí
  • Society

Hours before her death from breast cancer, and in the face of increasing breathing difficulties, Solange Musse wrote a letter to express all her pain and outrage at the impossibility of seeing her father, after the Córdoba authorities prevented her from entering to the province for the coronavirus.

Solange delivered the letter to an El Doce journalist last Wednesday, in the middle of a note. "I want them to understand that as long as I live I have my rights , I want them to be respected," begins the text, handwritten.

"What they have done to my father and my aunt is inhuman, humiliating and very painful . I feel so helpless that my father's rights to see me and me to see him are taken away. Who decides if we want to see each other? Remember, until my last sigh I have my rights, nobody is going to take that away from me, "the letter continues. And he adds: "I want to be with my family and not be mistreated by anyone." 

The letter, handwritten by Solange.

Solange, 35, died this Friday at the Allende sanatorium, where she had been referred from the city of Alta Gracia. Her father, who lives in Neuquén, had traveled to Córdoba last Saturday to see his daughter, but a health check stopped him and prevented him after his swab was "doubtful."

Then his story hit the media. The man denounced that he was forced to return to Neuquén without giving them the possibility of quarantining in a hotel in Córdoba despite the fact that his sister-in-law is domiciled in that provincial territory. 

The full letter 

Hello, I am Solange Musso, daughter of Pablo Musso and niece of Paola Oviedo. I want them to understand that as long as I live I have my rights, I want them to be respected. I write it because I cannot speak much, what they have done with my father and my aunt is inhuman, humiliating and very painful. I feel so helpless that my father's rights to see me and me to see him are taken away. Who decides that if we want to meet? Remember, until my last breath I have my rights , no one is going to take that from me.

All I need is for my family and me to listen. The decisions in the face of this pandemic are to take care of yourself, with all the precautions, and that is what was going to happen.

I longed to see my aunt and my dad. I am very sad for everything they did to both of them, they treated them very badly, they mistreated them, they did whatever they wanted as if they were criminals.

The second part of the part, with your signature.

I want to be with my family and not be mistreated by anyone. 

I hope this that has happened to my family does not happen to anyone else. How far do our rights go? I want all this to be known because of the pain of the family, I do not want anyone else to suffer from these situations. Neither my family, nor any human being who is going through this situation because I am sure that I am not the only one.

I love my family and no one is going to do what they want with them. I want this to be very clear. Thanks for spreading it. Solange.


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