The Limited Times

NRW Prime Minister Laschet: return of fans "difficult"

8/22/2020, 6:13:20 AM

Düsseldorf (AP) - North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet does not currently believe that the fans will return to the football stadiums anytime soon.

Düsseldorf (AP) - North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet does not currently believe that the fans will return to the football stadiums anytime soon.

"The German Football League has a very responsible protection concept," said the CDU politician to the newspapers of the Funke media group. "On this basis, there was actually hope that we will soon be able to allow stadium visits again. In view of the current infection rate, this seems difficult at the moment."

The 59-year-old referred to the next week's conference with his counterparts for a "timely" arrangement, "although there should be little hope of major events at the moment".

The DFL had developed a concept for the return of the fans that the clubs should implement in cooperation with the local authorities. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) only ruled out relaxing the corona requirements for football on Monday. The health ministers of the federal states had previously agreed that opening the stadiums to fans until at least October 31 was not to be supported. The 2020/21 season in professional football begins with the first round of the DFB Cup on the second weekend in September.

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