The Limited Times

PSG-Arsenal: the missed meeting of Pauline Peyraud-Magnin, goalkeeper of the Blues

8/22/2020, 5:46:20 AM

Without the pandemic and the postponement of the competition, the French goalkeeper would have had to face PSG this Saturday in the quarterfinals with Arsena

She admits feeling "a hint of disappointment". Without the health crisis linked to Covid-19 and the suspension from competition, Pauline Peyraud-Magnin would have had to face PSG this Saturday, during the quarter-finals of the Champions League, women's version, with the Arsenal jersey. A club where the goalkeeper of the France team, 28, had been playing for two seasons. A disappointment, however, mitigated by the fact that she will take part in this Final 8 with her new club Atlético Madrid (against Barcelona this Friday evening). She could also find the Parisiennes ... in the final. She delivers her look at the duel between PSG and Arsenal.

“England is a land of football for men, but also for girls,” assures Pauline Peyraud-Magnin. We don't necessarily know it in France, but there is a real football culture and there are emblematic clubs like Chelsea, Manchester City or Arsenal. I expect an open game. Both clubs have their chance. I watched the Coupe de France final against Lyon and Paris showed a lot of qualities despite the defeat ( 0-0, 4-3 tab on August 9 ). "

"I was born in Lyon…, I cannot support PSG"

"The Parisiennes had a good match and they took the opportunity to prepare well for the meeting in the Champions League," continues the goalkeeper. I don't want to name any names, but there is quality and experienced players on both sides. It will be a nice shock and I can see an English match, with a game that goes from one side to the other, a box-to-box. "

A favorite? “My heart will be with Arsenal, I played there for two seasons, I know the people. We experienced a lot of emotions. The first year we went to seek qualification for the Champions League ... Unfortunately, Arsenal will not play in the Champions League next season due to the premature end of the championship (Editor's note: the club finished in 3rd place ), It's frustrating for me to end the adventure with this feeling of unfinished business, but I imagine that it will increase the motivation of the players tenfold. I know them. I am French and I have friends at PSG, but I was born in Lyon and there is a rivalry between the two clubs, I'm sorry but I can't stand PSG (laughs) . "