The Limited Times

SpVgg Wildenroth gave SV Planegg-Krailing II six goals

8/25/2020, 9:25:17 AM

The Wildenrother exhibited their efficiency in front of the Planegger gate. Michael Schröferl's team scored six goals.

The Wildenrother exhibited their efficiency in front of the Planegger gate. Michael Schröferl's team scored six goals.

Wildenroth- If the reserve of SV Planegg-Krailling conceded a goal, it usually does not stay there. In the test match against Wildenroth, after the 0: 1 deficit (12th), there was brief confusion in the defense of the district classist. Just two minutes later, the game association marked their second goal. No sooner had the cheers died down than the guests made it 3-0. At this point, just 16 minutes had been completed on Hofmarkstrasse. The game was almost lost for the blue-blacks, even if David Velickovski corrected the result with his goal to make it 3-1 at short notice in the middle of the first half (22nd minute). It was nothing more than a brief rebellion: Even before the break, the A-Class scored the fourth goal. After the half-time break, the Planeggers lost control again within a short time. A good hour was played, when Wildenroth increased the result from 4: 1 to 6: 1 within two minutes. Only in the final phase did the mixed SVP reserve limit damage and correct the results. hh

SV Planegg-Kr. II - SpVgg Wildenroth 3: 6